Travel insurance help needed, please!
January 23, 2009 6:10 AM   Subscribe

I'd like some recommendations for travel insurance (online or otherwise easy to get) for an exchange student travelling from Germany to China.

I'm covered under many different health insurance plans, but none will cover me travelling from Germany to China, since I'm leaving not leaving directly from my original country of residence (Canada). I'd normally purchase insurance from Travel Cuts (list of Plans available), but again there's the rule and stipulation that I must be leaving from canada in order to have that coverage.

I'd like to find a similar type of easily-purchased insurance that would cover both my health and belongings while in China. I'd also like it to come with a studenty-price tag, if possible :)

Thanks very much!
posted by Planet F to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Do you have an account at a German bank? If so you can get temporary traveling insurance. It was super cheap, like less then 50€. Usually you need to purchase it a month or 2 in advance.

I got one from Deutsche Bank. Ask your bank or a German travel Agent.
posted by chillmost at 6:23 AM on January 23, 2009

Best answer: are you merely visiting germany for a week or are you staying longer? I ask because if you're staying here presently you might as well get with the ADAC, the german version of the AAA. they offer a policy on their website here (in german but if you need help with that just send me a mefi mail) called AKS. according to them it's an all-inclusive protection for your trip for up to 45 days. they do have a long-term version as well.

the ADAC is a good organization to join anyway if you're spending time driving here. unlike the AAA they will send a mechanic to you wherever you are and try to get you back going right then and there and only as a last resort tow you and even that's free of charge if you're a member. they offer a host of services like these really solid travel insurance plans (which include air transport back if you need it). they even offer legal services should you require them.

since you are in germany you could just walk into a travel agent's office as well. they usually have policies right there. expect policies to be superior to those you'd get in the US (I don't know about canada) but have someone read the fine print and explain clearly to you what you're getting if your german isn't solid.
posted by krautland at 6:31 AM on January 23, 2009

Best answer: World Nomads do this as standard (check the policy yourself, obviously, because it's always possible the wording has changed in the last few months) and for what it's worth, they're recommended by Lonely Planet.

I used them for several years, but never had to make a claim.
posted by rjt at 6:50 AM on January 23, 2009 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: krautland and rjt: both brilliant, thanks! I'm going fairly shortly, and it's great that both the world nomads and the ADAC policies don't have a time limit to purchase them. I'll probs go with world nomads, unless there's a better plan suggested later, simply because they're offered in English, and my German isn't enough to read fine print confidently. Thanks! :)
posted by Planet F at 6:59 AM on January 23, 2009

I've use both World Nomads and IMG, but that "not starting in your home country" is sometimes tricky. I've never made a claim with either but from what I've read over and over again on forums is to not count too much on world Nomads' protection of your belongings. There's so many rules and loopholes that you basically can only claim if your belongings are taken out of your hand. Almost anything can be interpreted as "unsecured," even your hotel room if the staff takes it. The limit for personal belongings coverage is also quite small if you have any nice camera/computer/etc. equipment so keep that in mind. Have fun!
posted by Bunglegirl at 8:36 AM on January 23, 2009

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