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Questions About Birmingham, England
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July 12, 2024
Hotels in Birmingham (King's Heath area)?
I'm visiting Birmingham (the English one) later this year to see a gig at the Kitchen Garden at 17 York Road. I'll be walking everywhere and so would like to find accommodation fairly close to that venue. Suggestions? [more inside]
December 23, 2012
Birmingham on Christmas Day: options?
Birmingham, England. Christmas Day. Is *anything* open at all? [more inside]
January 27, 2010
Three Months in Birmingham
On Friday I'm going to Birmingham (Sutton Coldfield) for three months (until early may) for an engineering internship. What should I know? What's the Birmingham area known for amongst Britons? What should I absolutely not miss in my down time? What social norms (at work or otherwise) might be unusual to me? What do locals do for fun? What parts of the city should I wander around in to get a sense of the place (and in which areas would doing so get me killed or served with an anti-social order)? [more inside]
November 30, 2009
Flying out of the other Birmingham
Any good parking options for Birmingham's (Alabama, not England) airport? [more inside]
November 28, 2009
Where can we go before we go to Birmingham?
VacationFilter. I have a conference in late March in Birmingham, UK. My travel is covered and it is the day after my spring break from university ends. So I figure why not leave a week earlier and have a vacation? But where to go? [more inside]
July 16, 2009
Things to do near Birmingham New Street?
I've got a couple of hours between trains at Birmingham New Street station. What can I do nearby? [more inside]
February 9, 2009
Where to stay Brum - cheap as chips.
Does anyone know a (very) cheap centrally located hotel in Birmingham, UK? [more inside]
August 15, 2007
Help us find a regular location for weekends away - starting in Birmingham, UK - by public transport
We want to find somewhere we can regularly visit, that is accessible from Birmingham by public transport (up to 3 hours) and not too expensive. Seaside would be the best option. A guesthouse or perhaps a caravan site. Where can we easily get to in that timescale? [more inside]
September 8, 2006
Birmingham (UK)
We're driving my partner's daughter to start University next Saturday (16th) in Birmingham (UK). She'll wan't us to vamoose quickly but we've never been to the city before and don't want to drive the long journey back to the South Coast straightaway. So Second City MeFites - where do we go in the afternoon (we like arts and crafts)? Where do we eat in the evening (not outrageously expensive)? where do we book to stay (ditto)? Thank you
June 21, 2004
Canadian moving to Birmingham UK - what will be different?
How to live in the U.K? [birmingham]. Tips and Tricks for a Canuck crossing the pond please... [more inside]