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Questions About Eastern Europe, Russia
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May 16, 2016

(Eastern) European Vacation

I'm headed for Riga, Latvia for work for the second time. On the first go-round, I had very little time off, so this time I wised up and tacked a couple vacation days onto the end of my trip so I can do some traveling. But where should I go, and how?! I'm overwhelmed with the possibilities. [more inside]
posted by leeloo minai around Eastern Europe, Russia at 8:55 AM - 6 answers has best

April 20, 2016

Itinerary me, please? Eastern Europe travel.

I have the opportunity to spend 12 days in Europe including travel time, flying from Los Angeles, and am interested in exploring a (small, given my time constraints) swath of Eastern Europe. I would like to meet up with a friend for a night in Paris, but after that my itinerary is open. I don't have a point of departure back to the States yet, but will have to book my tickets in the next day or so. Where should I go? [more inside]
posted by Everydayville around Eastern Europe, Russia at 2:06 AM - 7 answers has best