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Questions About Vancouver, BC
Displaying 81 through 100 of 104. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around Vancouver, BC

July 28, 2008

Recommend a mechanic in Vancouver BC

Can anyone recommend a mechanic in Vancouver, BC, preferably in the westside? [more inside]
posted by PercussivePaul around Vancouver, BC at 4:41 PM - 2 answers

June 29, 2008

Six hours in Vancouver airport

My brother is taking a cheap flight from England to visit us in Seattle, which has a stop in Vancouver (YVR) for six hours. Is there anything taht can be done within that time that's worth doing? Would it actually be possible to get out of the airport? Or should I just tell him to bring a book?
posted by Artw around Vancouver, BC at 3:07 PM - 32 answers

June 12, 2008

Where do Vancouverites go for a weekend away?

Help me plan a short getaway near Vancouver [more inside]
posted by commissioner12 around Vancouver, BC at 6:43 PM - 12 answers

May 5, 2008

What to do in Vancouver?

What do we absolutely have to see/do in Vancouver, Canada while we are there? [more inside]
posted by Schuby around Vancouver, BC at 1:23 PM - 20 answers

April 21, 2008

Another Vancouver restaurant thread

Another Vancouver, BC restaurant question. The challenge? Carbo-loading before the Vancouver Marathon... [more inside]
posted by Slarty Bartfast around Vancouver, BC at 10:04 AM - 7 answers

April 2, 2008

They See Me Coroll'n, They Hatin' ....

Toyota filter: Price, time frame, and reputable (Vancouver BC) shop to do a 4AGE engine swap to a 1994 Corolla. [more inside]
posted by pickingoutathermos around Vancouver, BC at 6:43 PM - 4 answers has best

February 12, 2008

Unfortunately, our snow tires just aren't that good...

With the coquihalla closed, what is the best way to get from Vancouver to Kamloops? [more inside]
posted by vernondalhart around Vancouver, BC at 5:49 PM - 11 answers

January 10, 2008

Vancouver kind

Ok, I know there is a lot of info out there about this already but haven't found what I'm looking for. Any Vancouver"ites" know about the current status of the New Amsterdam cafe? I havent found a web site for them, and I hear that in the past few years several of the "pot cafes" have been shut down. [more inside]
posted by Benzle around Vancouver, BC at 8:35 PM - 3 answers

August 7, 2007

Mini Cooper rental in Vancouver?

Where can I rent a Mini Cooper in Vancouver BC? [more inside]
posted by miles1972 around Vancouver, BC at 1:40 PM - 9 answers

March 24, 2007

Things to do in Vancouver when it rains?

My girlfriend and I are having a great time in Whistler, BC at the moment and are anticipating a great week in Vancouver, starting tomorrow. It is, however, raining. Quite a bit. [more inside]
posted by dflock around Vancouver, BC at 8:32 PM - 15 answers has best

March 18, 2007

Vancouver transportation

Help me gauge transportation options and travel distances in Vancouver, BC. [more inside]
posted by umbĂș around Vancouver, BC at 3:53 PM - 21 answers

September 19, 2006

what to do in vancouver?

Vancouver-filter: My young friend (23!) is going to be in Vancouver from Oct. 11 - 18. She is on a very low-budget. Recommendations for cheap places to stay, fun things to do, nice coffee places with good people and any other advice for a young woman off to see the world!
posted by typewriter around Vancouver, BC at 7:36 AM - 22 answers

September 18, 2006

Searching for Vancouver nightlife

Help me find a bar in Vancouver that's dirty, cheap, and loud. [more inside]
posted by PercussivePaul around Vancouver, BC at 12:00 PM - 18 answers

August 24, 2006

insider tips on Vancouver

I will be in Vancouver next week and would like recommendations for work and play. [more inside]
posted by Urban Hermit around Vancouver, BC at 2:03 PM - 8 answers

August 13, 2006

How should we spend our last 2 days here?

Help us plan the rest of our vacation! We are 2 college students from Seattle currently on vacation in Vancouver, BC. We've been following this thread pretty closely for trip ideas, but we're sort of stumped for what to do tomorrow and Tuesday (train leaves at about 6pm on Tuesday, so we have almost 2 more days here). Emphasis on the cheap, of course. [more inside]
posted by rossination around Vancouver, BC at 8:39 PM - 6 answers

August 2, 2006

Cambodian to Vancouver

Need help buying a plane ticket for a Cambodian to come to Vancouver Canada from Phnom Penh. I'm in Vancouver. [more inside]
posted by Iax around Vancouver, BC at 11:04 AM - 6 answers

May 12, 2006

Plaid Jacket Optional

Buying a used car in Vancouver, BC, dealers you'd recommend, or conversely, those to absolutely avoid? [more inside]
posted by eurasian around Vancouver, BC at 10:55 AM - 7 answers has best

March 22, 2006

Hotel or B&B in Vancouver

I need a good, cheap clean hotel or B&B in Vancouver BC, in a safe area, close to attactions. Any suggestions?
posted by bright77blue around Vancouver, BC at 11:15 AM - 11 answers

March 3, 2006

Moving to Vancouver

My family and I are planning to move to Vancouver in the summer of 2008, and we are visiting this summer for two weeks to check it out. What should we do while we are there? [more inside]
posted by Acey around Vancouver, BC at 5:54 AM - 16 answers

January 30, 2006

overnight in Vancouver BC

Vancouver BC - where to stay? [more inside]
posted by warbaby around Vancouver, BC at 9:12 AM - 18 answers has best