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What cognitive biases should everyone know?

What are the five cognitive biases that everyone should know? [more inside]
posted by Jonathan Livengood to Education at 10:06 AM on Aug 1, 2012 - 32 answers [297 favorites]

Marriage hacks

You used to have a good, stable marriage. Now you have a fantastic marriage -- the kind of marriage where you are happy to wake up in the morning and see your spouse. How did you get to that point? [more inside]
posted by Librarypt to Human Relations at 10:42 AM on Oct 3, 2014 - 31 answers [297 favorites]

Life changing movies

What are some movies that have either drastically changed the way you view the world or changed the way you live your life? [more inside]
posted by MaryDellamorte to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 5:09 PM on Feb 12, 2008 - 150 answers [296 favorites]

The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss.

What are your "secret weapon" conversation topics? These are the topics that never fail to engage a group of people, are fun, interesting, long-lasting, and non-offensive? Examples inside. [more inside]
posted by TimeTravelSpeed to Grab Bag at 11:33 AM on Mar 9, 2010 - 84 answers [288 favorites]

Only Six More Weeks?!

Weird-in-a-good-way-filter: I need suggestions for online stores/catalogs for Christmas Shopping! [more inside]
posted by deedeep to Shopping at 1:08 PM on Nov 14, 2006 - 46 answers [287 favorites]

Help me make some delicious soups!

It's that time of year's getting cold and I'm craving soup more and more. The only problem is I'm sick of canned soup and I'd rather make most of it homemade. Lay your best soup recipes on me, ingredients/prep the works! Any type of soup accepted! Hot, cold, lukewarm! Chicken, cream-based, potato leek, broth-based etc. I want to start a good collection of new recipes to try!
posted by PetiePal to Food & Drink at 9:46 AM on Oct 25, 2006 - 49 answers [286 favorites]

I need your best cookie recipe ever!!!! No, seriously, EVER.

best-cookie-recipe-ever-filter: I need your best, most impressive, most "wowing" when someone puts it in his/her mouth cookie recipe that you've got. Yes, I know there's a bazillion cookie recipes lurking in this AskMe/Metafilter machine. Which is part of the problem. Taste over looks. [more inside]
posted by atomicstone to Food & Drink at 2:24 PM on Nov 28, 2010 - 46 answers [284 favorites]

The time-traveller's advice: 30-year-old edition

My turn! Citizens of Metafilter: What advice would you give to your thirty-year-old self? [more inside]
posted by ominous_paws to Human Relations at 3:43 AM on Sep 18, 2012 - 65 answers [284 favorites]

Time Vacuum (or Productivity Fail) Web Sites

I'm putting together a list of some of my favourite time-vacuum websites. What I mean by that is a website that you can visit and then lose half your day to, by the sheer amount of great stuff to read, watch, play, listen to, learn, etc etc. They could be news pages, or a site where there is always something new to see, or maybe just a database that you can lose hours mining for interesting information. I'm sure we all have stuff like this in our bookmarks, so I'm turning to the hive mind for help to expand my list of really interesting sites. [more inside]
posted by oxide to Computers & Internet at 7:53 AM on Mar 18, 2010 - 37 answers [283 favorites]

Top 5 and Why

What are your top 5 websites and why? Excluding metafilter (of course). [more inside]
posted by cjorgensen to Computers & Internet at 8:31 PM on Feb 22, 2013 - 34 answers [283 favorites]

The Re-Readables

What book(s) can you read over and over and over again? [more inside]
posted by mymbleth to Media & Arts at 12:53 PM on Mar 21, 2016 - 158 answers [282 favorites]

Say this, not that

Recently I discovered some great phrases that work much better than the standard response to a situation, and was wondering if anyone had any others. [more inside]
posted by Calicatt to Human Relations at 4:56 AM on Dec 27, 2013 - 32 answers [280 favorites]

What are the simple concepts that have most helped you understand the world?

What are the simple concepts that have most helped you understand the world? [more inside]
posted by lunchbox to Grab Bag at 5:03 PM on May 17, 2009 - 129 answers [275 favorites]

Pretty me up, on the cheap!

Any hidden gems in the world of drugstore makeup? [more inside]
posted by jabes to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 5:37 PM on Feb 15, 2012 - 66 answers [274 favorites]

Books that changed your world view

I'm going to spend the next year reading a diverse set of books to change how I see the world. What books have changed your world view? [more inside]
posted by markbao to Education at 4:11 PM on May 29, 2014 - 99 answers [274 favorites]

Uh oh, I think I just seized the day.

What is your favorite motivational phrase? [more inside]
posted by WaspEnterprises to Grab Bag at 1:11 PM on Mar 1, 2011 - 163 answers [272 favorites]

What is the Zenni Optical of things other than glasses?

Recently discovered and fell in love with Zenni Optical, and now I'm wondering if there are other things that are "best kept secrets" that provide incredible value. [more inside]
posted by jbickers to Shopping at 10:44 AM on Feb 20, 2015 - 36 answers [270 favorites]

Book Club for Life

I'm 30. Each year until I'm 60 I want to read a masterpiece by an author the same age as I am when s/he wrote it. Help compile my list. [more inside]
posted by grrarrgh00 to Writing & Language at 2:39 PM on Feb 26, 2011 - 41 answers [269 favorites]

How can I make myself do stuff?

I can't make myself do anything. I've never been able to. I want to accomplish so much, I have goals, but for some reason, I just can't make myself do all the things I know I'm capable of. How can I turn this around? Is there a name for it? What should I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Health at 3:53 PM on Oct 22, 2008 - 35 answers [268 favorites]

Worth every cent!

Name a purchase of yours that was worth every penny! [more inside]
posted by smorgasbord to Shopping at 4:37 PM on Jun 4, 2015 - 134 answers [268 favorites]

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