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You pay for WHAT?

What things would you would never consider paying money for, once you learned how easy it was to do/make/fix yourself? [more inside]
posted by benzenedream to Grab Bag at 2:48 AM on Nov 4, 2010 - 101 answers [436 favorites]


What does it feel like to have ADD or ADHD? I'm looking for specifics rather than generalities, so personal anecdotes are best (preferred over hearsay or lists of symptoms from the internet). [more inside]
posted by Jason and Laszlo to Health at 6:06 PM on Mar 19, 2010 - 112 answers [435 favorites]

What is a life changing realization that you wish you'd had sooner?

I have a birthday coming up soon (28 - which for some reason feels like a milestone to me) and have been spending some time thinking about some of the small epiphanies I've had in the last few years that have made my life infinitely better. Such as - it's ok to let go of friends who no longer bring anything positive into your life; you are not responsible for your mothers happiness; and it's OK if the person you are seriously dating and thinking about settling down with is very different from the person that you thought you'd be with. In fact, it might be a very good thing. All of this thinking has made me realize that 1) if I had known this a few years earlier I might have avoided some serious heartache and anxiety attacks and 2) that there are probably plenty more epiphanies that I haven't had yet. So, I'm asking you all wise and all knowing MeFiers - what is a life changing realization you wish you'd had sooner?
posted by Bokonon11 to Human Relations at 4:17 PM on Aug 12, 2013 - 106 answers [432 favorites]

Rock Out With Your Doc Out

If you guys were my real friends, you would have told me about Heavy Metal Parking Lot before now. Back in the day, I used to hear about great documentary films through the grapevine. I guess the best example of this is the Evening with Kevin Smith series. But I never seem to hear about these any more. Heavy Metal Parking Lot looks awesome. What else am I missing? Parameter: nothing really sad. Hands on a Hard Body was kind of a bummer to me, but it's still the sort of thing I'm looking for. Anything about, say, the Holocaust, is out of this league. Thanks, MeFites!
posted by Jane Austen to Media & Arts at 8:37 AM on Mar 6, 2014 - 106 answers [418 favorites]

What are the most intellectually stimulating podcasts?

What podcasts will make me more intelligent just by listening to them? I enjoy the BBC's "In Our Time", which features serious discussion of historical events and people by academics working in the field, and also quirky, thought-provoking programs like WNYC's "Radio Lab" and "This American Life". I'm not so keen on some of the podcasts I typically get from newspapers that gloss over the surface of a subject with little analysis. What other highbrow podcasts are made by people who really know their shit?
posted by nowonmai to Computers & Internet at 9:01 AM on Nov 20, 2007 - 59 answers [406 favorites]

Good recipes with fewest possible ingredients.

What are the best minimal (2-6) ingredient recipes you have? [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet to Food & Drink at 7:56 PM on Oct 27, 2007 - 66 answers [403 favorites]

I need a badass skill

I want a badass skill. I want to know how to do something that people will see and think "wow, that is badass." [more inside]
posted by Autarky to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 8:36 PM on Jun 29, 2009 - 104 answers [400 favorites]

What's your favorite old reliable recipe?

What are you favorite reliable go-to recipes for everyday dinners? [more inside]
posted by otherwordlyglow to Food & Drink at 5:39 PM on Jul 27, 2010 - 62 answers [395 favorites]

Adults just know these things, I guess

What kinds of not-regular-but-important things for lifestyle maintenance should I, as a theoretically-responsible adult, be tracking? I'm talking about things like changing filters on air conditioners, getting dental checkups, cleaning gutters, and so forth. In theory I am an actual grown-up, but I keep getting blindsided by things I should have known about doing but utterly failed to do. [more inside]
posted by forza to Home & Garden at 6:04 PM on Jan 12, 2016 - 59 answers [391 favorites]

What conversations are a MUST before two people get married?

What conversations are a MUST before two people get married? [more inside]
posted by mittenbex to Human Relations at 4:19 PM on Jul 7, 2009 - 57 answers [382 favorites]

How do you spot an amateur?

How do you spot an amateur in your trade, profession, or hobby? Specifically, what are some examples of things that people without experience do, while attempting what you do or know well, because they don't know any better that make their lack of experience obvious? [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb to Society & Culture at 1:17 PM on Sep 18, 2012 - 261 answers [381 favorites]

Dirty Jokes for Grandma

What are some good, somewhat dirty jokes suitable for telling to my Grandma? [more inside]
posted by sciurus to Human Relations at 2:52 PM on Jun 26, 2007 - 52 answers [380 favorites]

Insights gained via one's career

What have you learned through your career, major, or specialization that you wish the general public knew? [more inside]
posted by Earl the Polliwog to Education at 11:27 PM on Jul 2, 2009 - 208 answers [380 favorites]

Hidden gems at the market

I discovered Crystal deodorant a few months ago. I had tried literally every other unscented deodorant on the market and could not find one that held up all day. It turns out that the damned rock you rub on your pits is the greatest deodorant ever, and it had been on the shelf the whole time. What other miracle products are sitting on the shelves at the market, unnoticed as I pass them by in favor of products that are more well known or have bigger advertising budgets?
posted by Balonious Assault to Shopping at 5:12 PM on Jan 26, 2012 - 68 answers [367 favorites]

What Is That Song They Always Use...?

What Is That Song They Always Use...? [more inside]
posted by jfrancis to Media & Arts at 11:23 AM on Jun 3, 2009 - 127 answers [366 favorites]

Weekend On The Couch

What are some of the great but lesser-known films I've missed out on in the past, say, five to ten years? [more inside]
posted by turgid dahlia to Media & Arts at 4:19 PM on Feb 19, 2010 - 125 answers [359 favorites]

What are some real-life mysteries?

My six-year old daughter demands to be told of the world's real mysteries! I've exhausted those I know from the top of my head, like the Mary Celeste, the Antikythera mechanism and those vent channels in the pyramids. I'd like your help, because I'd like to stay fact-based, and Google feeds me an endless supply of conspiracies, UFOs and paranormal phenomena. Solved mysteries are also good, as we can speculate and then "cheat" and look at the answer.
posted by Harald74 to Grab Bag at 2:17 AM on Jan 10, 2011 - 72 answers [358 favorites]

Winning At Life!

What are some simple changes you made to your day to day life that had big results? [more inside]
posted by amycup to Home & Garden at 4:42 PM on Nov 1, 2012 - 75 answers [356 favorites]

Tell us the name of your, your favorite Veg-e-ta-ble ♫

Give me your best simple vegetable recipes with only a few ingredients. [more inside]
posted by benzenedream to Food & Drink at 1:26 PM on Aug 30, 2011 - 54 answers [351 favorites]

What is the best piece of advice you got that worked nearly right away?

I've been an avid collector of tips, tricks, and approaches to solving problems. There are heuristics that I look for that ofthat can have real positive advantages and accelerated productivity for people. In the early, I read a book called How to Win Friends and influence People, a classic of interpersonal management, and found that the advice to "become genuinely interested in other people" worked nearly instantly to improve my relationships with others. Still, other approaches have worekd as well. I used to play little league baseball and couldn't hit for the life of me until someimagine that there was a speck on the ball being pitched to me and to try and hit that speck and not the whole ball itself. The effect was instantatneous as well. [more inside]
posted by RapcityinBlue to Education at 11:16 AM on May 23, 2013 - 85 answers [346 favorites]

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