Help! Recover my Sage panel entries.
July 30, 2008 9:47 AM   Subscribe

Just started FireFox 3, after being a committed Opera fan. I added Sage as a plug-in to manage some dozen RSS feeds. Then, I added Foxmark to sync bookmarks, and suddenly all the Sage feeds in the left pane are gone. They're still in a bookmark folder called "Sage Feeds." I've Googled, and wiki'd, but I dont see how to get them back to the Sage panel where they belong.
posted by cameradv to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Best answer: Try opening the left panel and choose Options ->Settings->Select Feed Folder. Choose the folder in your bookmarks where your feeds are stored.
posted by ISeemToBeAVerb at 10:00 AM on July 30, 2008

Response by poster: But .. I didn't try that. Thank you.
posted by cameradv at 4:17 PM on July 30, 2008

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