Remember a sucky sms-based discussion application from 2002ish?
July 29, 2008 11:00 AM   Subscribe

Do you remember a web application from 2002ish where you could join sms-based discussion groups? This was before it was feasible to have IM clients on cellphones (or at least before this was widely done), and the site I'm thinking of powered a big directory of discussion groups that one could join. For example, there were foodie groups (per city, IIRC?), politics discussions, movies, fashion. Does anyone else remember this? The site launched around the same time as, and I'd love to find the name of the site or see what happened to them.

The content of these discussion groups was terrible. A few times a week someone would chime in with some inane comment. Either it would be ignored or there would be a single "your dumb, that place/movie/band sucks." comment and then it would go dark again for weeks at a time. There were also a lot of is anybody out there?" messages. If you know of any other weird/sucky/before-their-time sms applications, I'd like to hear about them, but I'm especially interested in this sms chat directory thing that I was a member of
posted by zpousman to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: Bingo, thanks!
posted by zpousman at 2:00 PM on July 29, 2008

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