Spanish Camera Hire
July 24, 2008 3:15 PM   Subscribe

Spain Camera Hire : Attending a best friends wedding in Majorca in September, and have been asked to be the official photograper. Instead of dragging my gear across the pond from Australia, wondering if anyone knows somewhere in Spain (specifically Barcelona or Majorca) where I can hire the gear I'd need.
posted by johanze to Travel & Transportation around Spain (1 answer total)
In Barcelona Casanova Foto.

However, I would suggest, although it sounds like a pain, to carry on your gear instead of hiring some in country. They may not have the specific flash or lens you want when you want it, and you'll never know the condition of the equipment until you get it and get some time to do some test shots.
posted by kirstk at 6:10 PM on July 24, 2008

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