Does anyone know a good ActionScript listserv or bulletin board
August 25, 2004 6:45 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know a good ActionScript listserv or bulletin board — generally patient with total newbies, quick response time, clear and thorough answers — where I can post my questions, link to my FLAs, and find out what's ailing my movies?
posted by grrarrgh00 to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
Figleaf has the best "advanced" actionscript mailing list, but Flash Coders is definitely NOT patient with newbies. I haven't checked out their Flash Newbies list, but I bet it's pretty good.

You could try macromedia's official usenet groups as well.
posted by malphigian at 7:15 PM on August 25, 2004

Flashkit has a newbie forum and an actionscript forum, they're very patient and friendly, and there's always a boatload of people online, so you never have long to wait for a reply.
posted by iconomy at 7:47 PM on August 25, 2004

Second macromedia's usenet thingie.
posted by signal at 10:04 PM on August 25, 2004

And here, of course.
posted by signal at 10:04 PM on August 25, 2004 has some great fourms and resources as well.
posted by ssmith at 6:49 AM on August 26, 2004

I second all the posts so far. There's also a really good forum on bit-101, which is also an amazing Flash site.
posted by grumblebee at 7:38 AM on August 26, 2004

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