Buying a trailer hitch bike rack in T.O.?
July 11, 2008 9:24 AM   Subscribe

I'm going on a longish trip on Friday of next week and would like to bring my bicycle with me. I'll be in Toronto on Sunday; does anyone have any recommendations on where to go to buy a trailer hitch mount bike rack there?
posted by the dief to Shopping (4 answers total)
Best answer: Rack Attack, (Eglinton and Millwood area) is open 12-5 on Sunday, and has Thule, and Yakimas. link.
They'll install as well, probably at extra cost, and you can probably reserve one if they're in stock.

Also Cyclepath (several locations), and MEC have them listed on their sites. Which doesn't mean they'll be instore.

(All this assuming that you have a hitch already. If not, Canada Tire is near RA)
posted by Chuckles McLaughy du Haha, the depressed clown at 9:47 AM on July 11, 2008

oops, Canadian Tire.
posted by Chuckles McLaughy du Haha, the depressed clown at 9:47 AM on July 11, 2008

Best answer: I have one that is bound for Craigslist.. I'll send you a MeMail about it.
posted by Chuckles at 4:21 PM on July 11, 2008

Best answer: Delivered, but just a tiny little bit late..
(I owe you a beer at the next meetup, or something!)
posted by Chuckles at 2:30 PM on July 13, 2008

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