I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a single web site, but this site tracks the opinions of lots of participants in that market.
Vietnam's a interesting market these days - inflation north of 20% and the ratings agencies are lining up to downgrade the sovereign debt. Rough times. You dabbling or is this for personal interests?1 Those pegged currencies always seem to give rise to lots of opps in the unofficial markets.
1 don't feel compelled to answer; (perhaps inappropriate) curiosity on my part. posted by Mutant at 3:49 AM on May 29, 2008
Vietnam's a interesting market these days - inflation north of 20% and the ratings agencies are lining up to downgrade the sovereign debt. Rough times. You dabbling or is this for personal interests?1 Those pegged currencies always seem to give rise to lots of opps in the unofficial markets.
1 don't feel compelled to answer; (perhaps inappropriate) curiosity on my part.
posted by Mutant at 3:49 AM on May 29, 2008