Why does it take forever to encode a 48 minute video to burn to DVD
March 19, 2008 1:49 PM   Subscribe

Why is it taking more then 8 hours for Toast to encode a 48 minute dvd for burning?

I have used Handbrake to rip a commercial DVD that is 48 minutes long. It is set to MP4 video with an average bitrate of 1000. The resulting file size is about 500mb. When I try to burn it using Toast Titanium on the Mac it is only 1/4 done encoding when I wake up in the morning. I am on a 1.83 ghz intel core duo mac with 1.25 gb of memory running Leopard.

posted by jeffreyclong to Technology (7 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I don't know! But I get the same thing on my G5. Leopard.

I think it started with Leopard. But that might be coincidence.
posted by Plug Dub In at 2:36 PM on March 19, 2008

Best answer: DVD's are MPEG-2, so the transcode is going to involve two operations: from MPEG-4 to uncompressed, then uncompressed to MPEG-2.
posted by rhizome at 2:40 PM on March 19, 2008

rhizome's explanation isn't good enough. Decoding to uncompressed must take real time or less. After all you have to decode it to play it so it can't take longer than 48 minutes to decode a 48 minute movie, assuming your machine can play it (which it can). Most likely it would take far less than 48 minutes to decode, probably more like 5-10 minutes if it doesn't need to maintain real time sync with audio and video devices.

Is it possible you aren't using an intel native version?
posted by chairface at 3:32 PM on March 19, 2008

If you're trying to create your own DVD from a commercial DVD, you wouldn't want to use MP4 as an intermediate file format. Going from MP2 to MP4 and then back to MP2 will not only take a hell of a long time, it will also introduce a lot of video artifacts. It seems like you're working waaaay too hard.

If you've ripped the commercial DVD (i.e. removed the CSS) then why not just copy the VOB files directly to your destination DVD? For that matter, you wouldn't even need to remove the CSS. What's wrong with a straight image copy?

Either you're really confused about this, or I am. What are you trying to accomplish here?
posted by Class Goat at 3:36 PM on March 19, 2008

Response by poster: @Class Goat: I am probably really confused. I'm just following directions I've gotten from lifehacker.com. Using Handbrake to rip the DVD. Then Toast to burn it. I don't understand what I'm doing. Just doing it. Perhaps I've been applying things I've read about ripping and then putting on ipods. I thought DVD's were copy protected making a program like Handbrake necessary. Nonetheless, I realize that I've been using handbrake wrong. I was just using the default setting which was to rip to mp4. Now that I know that DVD's are mp2 I think my problem will be solved. But I'd love to learn if there is an easier way to rip a DVD. Can Toast make a straight image copy?
posted by jeffreyclong at 4:04 PM on March 19, 2008

Hmm...You probably don't want to use handbrake. Handbrake rips and transcodes the DVD into an mpeg4 file. You just want to rip it to the hard drive, and then burn the ripped version.

Using software like Mac The Ripper will create a descrambled version of the DVD. Toast can take that, and compress it to fit on the DVD-R.

Here's a howto:

posted by zabuni at 4:14 PM on March 19, 2008

I thought DVD's were copy protected making a program like Handbrake necessary.

DVDs usually are copy protected, using CSS ("Content Scrambling System") and for what you're trying to do, CSS has to be removed. But it sounds like the program Zabuni suggests using is a better choice for that than Handbrake.

(On the PC, I use a program called SmartRipper to do that. It removes the CSS, and other bogus encoding (e.g. region settings, Macrovision) but otherwise doesn't change the files at all. Then I have other tools I can use on the unencrypted VOB files to do what I want with them.)
posted by Class Goat at 5:03 PM on March 19, 2008

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