My body doesn't like probiotics
March 6, 2008 9:55 AM   Subscribe

Why does Danactive give me post-nasal drip?

So, I've been trying Danactive on and off for over a year now, but one thing that's happened every single time I've started taking it is that I get a significant case of post-nasal drip. This usually starts after a couple of days of taking it, lasts all day and night the entire time I'm taking it, and will last until a couple of days after I stop. It always makes me decide to stop taking it.

Anybody else with this? Any theories on why it would happen? There's not much milk in there, so I can't imagine it's dairy related..

And does Danactive really even work as an immunity booster?

posted by eas98 to Health & Fitness (3 answers total)
Are you aware of the Danactive lawsuit?
posted by tom_g at 11:41 AM on March 6, 2008

Immunity products are fantastic from a marketing point of view, they just can't lose.

You're either person A:
"Oh yes, I swear by it, I take it and hardly ever get ill, my husband doesn't and he's ill every other week!"

Or you're person B:
"Oh yes, I swear by it, I got a cold last week, but it only lasted six days! I'd still be in bed without this little miracle worker"

They are theorised to work by out competing with whatever else wants to grow inside you, so your immune system has less work to do with the real nasties.

I suppose either you have an intolerance to milk (if you drink the same small quantity of milk does your nose run?) or perhaps your immune system doesn't think the bacteria in the milk is as 'happy' as the marketing claims, we're all snowflakes.

Either way, I'm sure you'll be just fine if you cut it out of your diet altogether.
posted by Static Vagabond at 12:33 PM on March 6, 2008

Response by poster: Hmm.. I see not many here have experience with the stuff. For the record, I'm not at all allergic to milk, so it has to be something in the Danactive itself.

Anyway, thanks for the replies.
posted by eas98 at 5:45 PM on March 6, 2008

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