time tracking software?
January 19, 2008 10:55 AM   Subscribe

I want a time-tracking software for Mac that does a few specific things...

(It could be a web-app as well.)

Basically, I would like it to:

• have an timer window that I can start/pause/stop my working-time with.
• provide a project/task based view so I can see how much time I spend on each project.
• provide a day/week based view so I can see how much time I spent on, for e.g., "Project A, today" or "Project B, this week," or Project A+B+C, this week"

Anything out there like this?
posted by raheel to Computers & Internet (9 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Billings

Also, Mac based Lawyers seem to have a good grasp on their time tracking software, so these guys have a list here.
posted by mrzarquon at 11:08 AM on January 19, 2008

Toggl is a web-based timer app that does what you want -- it can track multiple projects and export reports.
posted by camcgee at 12:50 PM on January 19, 2008

I love iRatchet for this. More geared towards billing and invoicing but a great time tracker none the less.
posted by twistedonion at 12:59 PM on January 19, 2008

I Time Tracker because of it's idle feature, but it isn't too advanced.
posted by fleeba at 2:00 PM on January 19, 2008

Slim timer is a pretty decent webapp for this sort of thing. It doesn't exactly have a notion of projects and clients, but you can emulate that with tags.
posted by !Jim at 2:07 PM on January 19, 2008

Take a look at TimeLog 4 if you're running Leopard. (TimeLog 3, which runs on Tiger, has some annoying bugs, such as quitting and relaunching iCal every time you modify an entry.)
posted by brianogilvie at 6:38 PM on January 19, 2008

I love Harvest, a web app which does exactly what you require.
posted by redshifter at 8:56 AM on January 20, 2008

Best answer: My company developed Intervals, task and time tracking with smart reporting. We actually built it to focus primarily on the three bullet points you listed above. And it works great on Safari and Firefox on the mac, as a good portion of our customer base is on macs (design firms, etc). Try it out, as I think you'll find it a good fit for what you are trying to accomplish.
posted by johnjreeve at 3:57 PM on January 20, 2008

I use Time Tracker, because it does what it's supposed to and that's it. I also like that it has a button on the menu bar that I can click to start and stop. However, I'm also kind of a sucker for bells and whistles, so I'll be going through all these links as well.

Alternatively, I'm keeping my eye on iGTD2, since I liked iGTD1, and there have been many suggestions on its features-request forum for such time-tracking functionality. That would be really great, since I would be able to keep all my tasks, materials, and time spent on tasks all together in one program.

Let us know what you choose!
posted by prophetsearcher at 9:12 AM on January 21, 2008

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