"I need more pieces, please!"
December 13, 2007 12:13 PM   Subscribe

Is there any way I can get my hands on some cool Scalino marble run pieces before Christmas?

For Christmas last year I bought my darling little cousin a Scalino marble run complete with "ski jump" piece. He adores it, and I'd like to add another accessory or two this year. The site I bought it from now only lists three Scalino items without pictures (extra marbles, and what I think is a basic set, and probably a waterfall type piece) and my email to their customer service address asking about availability and clarification on what the "Modelkasten Kaskade" piece did received no reply. I checked out Scalino's web site but my Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Ebay came up blank too.

The little guy would probably prefer a y-shaped switch I remember seeing last year, or the xylophone piece shown in the picture, to a waterfall. Heck, I was looking forward to seeing what he would build with all the cool pieces I added on over the years. So if anyone knows of other sources or can assist me in contacting the company, I'd appreciate it. I'm in New York City if there's anything local.

My little cousin will spend many happy hours sending marbles whizzing around the track in your honor.
posted by Soliloquy to Shopping (1 answer total)
Response by poster: No wonder my subconscious was telling me he didn't want the Kaskade... he's already got that one. I'd forgotten.
posted by Soliloquy at 2:26 PM on December 13, 2007

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