Who Do I Have To Pay To Get Some Kids On A Boat?
December 11, 2007 7:47 AM   Subscribe

Where can I find a reputable charity that takes underprivileged kids sailing?

In an effort to express my gratitude to a long-time client, I'm looking to make a donation in his name to a charity that takes underprivileged (or disabled or cancer) kids sailing. Have any suggestions? The charity must be:

a) Secular
b) US-based

And the ideal charity should be:

a) East coast
b) Pennsylvania or New Jersey-based

Any ideas?
posted by peacecorn to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
posted by yerfatma at 7:56 AM on December 11, 2007

Courageous Sailing in Charlestown, MA seems to fit the bill. They provide free sailing for kids and it looks like they also support the Special Olympics.
posted by backseatpilot at 7:57 AM on December 11, 2007

Living Classrooms in Baltimore operates The Crossroads School - a public, tuition-free middle school that's completely based around the water - sailing & environmental education. I know a child who went there and it was amazing. Their website seems to be down, though. The Downtown Sailing Center in Baltimore also does a ton with local schools and underprivileged kids.
posted by mygothlaundry at 8:17 AM on December 11, 2007

C.R.A.B. Sailing on the Chesapeake.
posted by zap rowsdower at 8:44 AM on December 11, 2007

The Police Activity League (PALS) in Pennsylvania will probably have programs like these. I don't have a contact, but it functions like the Boys and Girls Clubs.
posted by parmanparman at 10:33 AM on December 11, 2007

i just saw an episode of "queer eye for the straight guy" that gave a makeover to the founder of rocking the boat, in manhattan.
posted by thinkingwoman at 10:38 AM on December 11, 2007

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