Writing in textarea feels like juggling in a suit of armor.
August 23, 2007 3:02 PM   Subscribe

The sluggishness of the textarea in Firefox is killing me. Have you gotten Mozex or "It's all Text" to work with OS x?

I am using the latest version of Firefox with os x 10.4.10.

For the life of me I can't get Mozex (which launches an external editor) working. If you are running OS X and have any decent textarea plugin working could you share your settings with me?

I also tried "It's all Text" and even set up a script as they suggested. The script invokes Textwrangler, but IAT won't invoke the script.

Mozex won't even work with Nano in /usr/bin


Any other firefox/editor integration tips are most welcome.
posted by mecran01 to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I have It's All Text working in OS X. I'm writing this in Emacs.

For the sake of science, though, I've changed my config to use

which is the TextWrangler shell command, and so now I'm editing this in TW. What suggested script are you using? Do you lack /usr/bin/edit?

(I think the reason for /usr/bin/nano not working is that it needs to run in a terminal, but is not capable of bootstrapping itself into one).
posted by xueexueg at 3:45 PM on August 23, 2007

Response by poster: Hot dog. It worked! I owe you! I just spent 3.5 hours working on this. I wrote this in TextWrangler. /usr/bin/edit was counterintuitive, but it worked!!!!

I am so happy! PM me at misterlanguage@gmail.com

posted by mecran01 at 4:12 PM on August 23, 2007

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