Does Threelac fight Candida safely and effectively?
August 5, 2007 6:57 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone in or around the hive have any experience taking a product called Threelac to fight Candida Albicans?

I have a Candida yeast overgrowth. I read great things about Threelac. On, for instance. I'd love some unbiased accounts. Did this product work for you?
posted by amusem to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Any site with an ORDER link at the top and a PRODUCTS link on the left menu is highly suspect.

I used to be an "intestinally-challenged person," until I got things under control. I did a lot of research. I too came across this website. I've never heard of this product elsewhere. It is the most expensive probiotic I have ever seen, on a per-dose basis. I just now searched the pubmed reference database for any mention of threelac in a medical journal -- nothing came up. However, articles came up that had findings that probiotics can reduce the presence of candida. Might I recommend the probiotic Reuteri. I like the pills made by Nature's Way; you can buy them at Whole Foods. If you don't see a difference, go from there. And, they can't hurt. It's like eating a lot of yogurt.
posted by Eringatang at 7:43 PM on August 5, 2007

Response by poster: Thank you.
posted by amusem at 8:27 AM on August 6, 2007

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