Must Pro Tools Software be purchased with Mbox?
January 26, 2007 1:18 PM   Subscribe

Can I use any Mbox device (compatible with this program of course) to run Pro Tools LE 6.0? Must you buy the Mbox and software together for proper use?

With many music programs these days, there's a tangible device needed to run the program, such as Pro Tools LE 6.0 requires the Mbox device to run at all. I have the program but no Mbox. I'm about to buy one, but wonder if perhaps the serial number from the program must match the device? Please help. I have to learn Pro Tools in the a month! he he.
posted by Jenna Roadman to Computers & Internet (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You can use any mbox device that says "ProTools Compatible" on the box with ProTools. I've known people who have switched their boxes based on the application and used the same laptop. Works like a charm.

I don't know about any of the limitations of LE, but I assume that there wouldn't be a device limitation.

Have fun!
posted by dobie at 1:49 PM on January 26, 2007

Instead of buying the Mbox, why don't you do the wise thing and move up to getting a solid-state four or expandable eight track recorder and then putting up the money (not a lot) to get Adobe Audition, which is worth it if you're going to be doing professional audio.
posted by parmanparman at 2:15 PM on January 26, 2007

If I remember correctly, M-boxes run a different version of pro-tools called pro-tools "M-powered".
Very similar to LE for the most part, and to tell you the truth, you'd probably have trouble finding an M-box for sale that didn't include the newest verison of M-powered software as part of the package...
posted by dan g. at 2:36 PM on January 26, 2007

parmanparman, can you expand on that a little? Why do you recommend a recorder over an mbox? Thanks.
posted by grumblebee at 3:22 PM on January 26, 2007

Mboxes DO NOT run Protools M-powered, they run Protools LE. M-powered is for devices made by m-audio.

The mbox is not "locked" to a specific installation of protools, but it is on compatible with specific versions. Check the digidesign website for more details. Protools 6.0 is getting a little long in the tooth. If you get an mbox2 or the mbox mini you can run the newest version of protools (as long as your computer & system are compatible.)

Protools is definitely the right choice for pro or semi-pro audio. Have fun! And visit the DUC (digidesign's user group) for info, tips, advice and troubleshooting.
posted by Aquaman at 3:28 PM on January 26, 2007

If this training is for any type of audio carrer path, learning a version of pro tools is going to be much more beneficial over the long haul than knowing how to use an adobe application that is relatively new and not in wide-use by professionals.
posted by bcnarc at 4:13 PM on January 26, 2007

I bought an Mbox 2 1/2 years ago. It came with Pro Tools LE 6.x. If you're buying yours new, chances are it will come with PT LE too.

If you're buying yours used, sans-software, then I think you have some reason to be concerned, but my observation has been that Digidesign is mostly concerned about whether or not they can sell you hardware and/or plugins -- the DAW Software is just a platform for that, so if I had to guess, I'd guess you'd be OK, especially if the install disk you've got came with the same kind of hardware (Mbox) that you're going to buy.

That said, you don't have to guess. You could test with the seller if they're local, and DUC is a great place to ask.
posted by weston at 5:34 PM on January 26, 2007

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