Help me find glasses!
January 8, 2007 12:23 PM   Subscribe

Please help me find eyeglasses in Seattle.

I need a new pair of glasses. I'd appreciate any suggestion for places that sell, for lack of a better word, "hip/cool", glasses (I can't believe I just said that) in Seattle.

I'm not too concerned about price, I'll be wearing them almost everyday so I might as well spend a little money on them.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

posted by ASM to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (9 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Eyes on Fremont, baby. The only place to go.
posted by tristeza at 12:34 PM on January 8, 2007

Response by poster: Sorry, I should have been clearer - I need prescription eyeglass frames.
posted by ASM at 12:39 PM on January 8, 2007

Best answer: Another vote for Eyes on Fremont. Not that I'm remotely hip, mind you. There's also Ottica, in downtown Seattle. It was started by one of the employees/owners of Eyes on Fremont.
posted by O9scar at 1:12 PM on January 8, 2007

If you really aren't concerned about price, check out the place in U-Village too (sorry, don't remember what they're called.)
posted by lastyearsfad at 1:54 PM on January 8, 2007

I think lastyearsfad is talking about Market Optical -- I looked there and they have very stylish frames, but expensive as all hell. Eyes on Fremont is more affordable.
posted by _sirmissalot_ at 1:56 PM on January 8, 2007

Best answer: Spex Contemporary Eyewear downtown. When we left Mpls, we asked the folks at Eye Deals, our hip Calhoun Square eyewear shop, and they recommended Spex. The eye doctor there, Dr. Scott Campbell, is also a super-nice young guy who seems really smart and always stays informed in his field.
posted by GaelFC at 2:05 PM on January 8, 2007

I'm very happy with Dr. Goo at Woodlawn Optical in Wedgwood, and -- despite their ugly website -- my frames from there are cool. (I would tell you what they are, but when I take them off to see the brand I can't read the writing.) I've been wearing glasses for over 30 years and this is my best pair yet.

Eyes on Fremont was overwhelming when I went there with a friend. So crowded, so many people dressed like architects...
posted by The corpse in the library at 2:48 PM on January 8, 2007

You can buy glasses online for about 1/6th the price as the typical brick-and-mortar. If you have your prescription (and that information is /yours/, not a doctor's or optometrist's!), then you can buy two or three pairs of glasses that you can think of as "disposable" if you like. I got a pair for my wife, sent to my door for $34. She absolutely loves them.

So, yes, check out the other listed stores here, but consider buying a half dozen pairs of glasses for your daily whims.

Check out the web-log Shattering The Eyeglasses Scam.
posted by cmiller at 4:24 PM on January 8, 2007

I just got some very good glasses made from my prescription at for $23 a pair. One set is even tinted for sunglasses. They seem every bit as good as the pair I paid $200 for.
posted by pjern at 7:48 PM on January 8, 2007

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