Friend needs to get seen by a doc
December 19, 2006 5:58 AM   Subscribe

Getting a free or cheap checkup in New York City.

A friend of mine really, really needs a checkup, and he has no insurance. Family Health Plus is out, even though he qualifies -- his income is low enough -- because he has no tax documentation for the past few years. Is there a way for him to see a doctor and get the basics -- blood sugar, cholesterol, (also possibly liver function tests) and health counseling -- for free or cheap? I'd be willing to pay, if I need to. How much does something like this cost?
posted by jennyjenny to Health & Fitness (3 answers total)
When I didn't have insurance and went to my regular doctor for such a checkup, it ran me about $200 and lab fees (another $100 or so). I finally sucked it up and payed it because I had trouble finding good clinic options.
posted by dame at 6:21 AM on December 19, 2006

posted by bigmusic at 6:25 AM on December 19, 2006

A lot of med schools have free clinics during the school year where you can get basic primary care and tests for free, or on a sliding scale. NYU has one, on Saturdays. Cornell and Columbia have free clinics as well, and I bet all the other NYC med schools offer similar services. There is a waiting list for appointments but it is free.
posted by chelseagirl at 6:55 AM on December 19, 2006

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