The Ask In The Hat
November 27, 2006 6:30 AM   Subscribe

HaberdasheryFilter: I'll be in Manhattan this afternoon and would like to buy a hat. But I know nothing about Manhattan, and need help finding a place to buy one. I might like a straw hat, or a pork pie hat. Hope me!
posted by eustacescrubb to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Arnold Hatters, 7th avenue and 37th street. Was on 42nd from, I think WW2 until 2 or 3 years ago when it got bumped down the street for that new giant building there.

It's a great store.
posted by dirtdirt at 6:37 AM on November 27, 2006

J. J. Hat Center
310 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10001
at 32nd St.

New York’s oldest and largest hat store, the shop claims to have over 10,000 hats in stock at any time, and it shows. There are old-style fedoras, furs, caps, and buckets. The store is designed to look like an old haberdashery; check out the hats signed by Bill Cosby and Liza Minnelli. Primarily for gentlemen, the store also carries a selection of toppers for the ladies, including European caps and a wide range of fur numbers.
posted by beccaj at 6:39 AM on November 27, 2006

Wander around the East Village for a little while. Seems like every other shop there has a thousand hats.
posted by secret about box at 7:40 AM on November 27, 2006

I second J&J. Great selection, helpful staff.
posted by ObscureReferenceMan at 7:42 AM on November 27, 2006

If you're downtown near City Hall and J&R Music World, there's a very old men's hat shop on the northwest corner of Nassau and Spruce Streets.

There's another further south on Nassau, just north of John Street, that caters more to women but also has some men's hats.
posted by hsoltz at 7:53 AM on November 27, 2006

Check out Kelly Christy in Nolita. Expensive, but AWESOME.
posted by pullayup at 8:47 AM on November 27, 2006

Response by poster: Arnold Hatters! I have a lovely new Pork Pie hat, properly fitted. I met Arnold himself, and he made reference to Charles Mingus's song "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" as I was making my purchase.
Arnold's is on 8th Ave, not 7th.

JJ Hat Center had a lot of hats as well, but were very low on Pork Pie hats - almost none in my size. I was told they had more coming in next week, so don't let that deter you from visiting them.
posted by eustacescrubb at 5:55 AM on November 28, 2006

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