Fujiko's mother finally said no!
November 17, 2006 3:25 PM   Subscribe

My mom just quit her job because of nepotism. She doesn't have a degree, so what kind of places should she shop her resumé around to?

My mom worked for a local school district for fourteen years. Eleven of those years she was a paid employee without a contract. She's gone up for a few positions that she was qualified for, but the positions are almost always given to board member's wives and family. They've had this woman all over the place doing hearing tests, secretarial work, and acting as an aide to disabled children. She works in my old school district. They haven't treated her well.

When she didn't work for three months, she applied for unemployment and the school she worked for contested it saying that she had a reasonable expectation to continue receiving work. She was unemployed for three more months. The last time she applied for a job, she was one of two finalists for a job she already held, but it was revamped as contract work - union and better paid. She wouldn't give up the ghost, so the school board sat on the decision for seven months before awarding it to a board member's wife who now refuses to do the job as required, and wants my mother to be a satellite for her job, non-contract.

Regardless, she's finally quit her job, and I love her for it. She doesn't have anyone at home for most of the day, so I guarantee she'll go back to work at some point. The problem is, she doesn't have computer skills or a degree. My dad keeps saying she might be able to get a job as an audiologist (snort!) at a local hospital. I think she needs to not get her hopes up for a job like that, but I also don't know where she could work. She's 53 and worked with kids for 14 years.

Does anyone have any ideas?
posted by fujiko to Human Relations (8 answers total)
Where does your mom live? Country, locality, etc?
posted by alms at 3:32 PM on November 17, 2006

Response by poster: United States on the southern Ohio and southern West Virginia border. We have three things: universities, hospitals and telemarketing.
posted by fujiko at 3:42 PM on November 17, 2006

Audiology used to require a Master's, I believe, and now I think new audi's need a Doctorate of Audiology. Very different beast from the "hearing testing" they do in schools.
posted by spaceman_spiff at 3:45 PM on November 17, 2006

Pharmacy technician? It's possible, but not necessary, to get certification. Otherwise the only real requirement is a high school degree, and it's a job in high demand.
posted by selfmedicating at 3:50 PM on November 17, 2006

Confirming what spaceman_spiff said, an Audiology career require serious schooling.

Has she considered applying for similar jobs at some of the private schools? Her lack of degree is unlikely to be an issue at many private schools, and all that experience is a plus.

Is she interested in working with kids younger than school age? In many states the requirements for teaching preschool or running a home daycare are pretty modest. If a lot of families know her and remember her fondly, she should have no problem finding enough parents who are thrilled to leave their kids with someone of her experience and trustworthiness.

It's not too late for her to develop computer skills or other maketable talents. I've seen a lot of computer-illiterate adults transform into solid intermediates within just a few months. The local adult ed, senior center, or community college should have some cheap classes that can increase her job proespects in a semester or two. Also, school is a good distraction during a stretch of unemployment, so she doesn't have time to dwell on self-doubt.
posted by nakedcodemonkey at 4:25 PM on November 17, 2006

If she can pass a central registry check, she could look for work at your local human services office. You don't need a degree or a lot of computer literacy to be a case aide or something similar.
posted by littlegirlblue at 6:41 AM on November 18, 2006

She could look for a salary job in another school district as a teaching assistant or something of the sort.
posted by Packy_1962 at 9:33 AM on November 18, 2006

How about substitute teaching? Yes, she will probably be working in some of the same schools in the district, but won't have to 'deal' with her old superiors.

Preschools often need assistants. My child's school has three assistants. They do everything from cutting paper, preparing craft projects, helping the teacher, taking the errant child to the bathroom, etc.

Good luck to your mom.
posted by LoriFLA at 11:15 AM on November 18, 2006

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