How can I switch mouse sensitivity with the touch of a button?
October 29, 2006 12:48 PM   Subscribe

How can I switch my mouse sensitivity between two settings with the touch of one (or two) keyboard buttons?

I just purchased a targus wireless presenter with a mouse function. It works great except for the mouse moves insanely slow across the screen. Is there some sort of program or way that I can switch between two different mouse sensitivity levels with the press of a button?
posted by allthewhile to Technology (1 answer total)
Not sure if this works for what you want but...

You might use AutoHotKey to set something up. If there's a command-line thing, that would be easiest.

If you can't run a simple command, you can try to make a script that does it for you (but you have to sit and watch it run). I've made one that changes monitor settings:

run control desktop
Loop 4
Sleep 1500
Send ^{tab}
Sleep 1500
Send {tab}
Send {Down}
Sleep 1500
Send {tab}
Send {tab}
Send {Left}
Sleep 1500
Send !a

posted by powpow at 6:17 PM on October 29, 2006

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