Let the Eagle Soar / Like She's Never Soared Before
June 14, 2006 9:15 AM   Subscribe

Who remembers/loves the John Ashcroft hit "Let the Eagle Soar?" Trying to find an mp3 *and* a MIDI (or instrumental version) of the song on the Internet, but every file I've found is scratchy, a poorly-edited cut (it cuts out near "This country's far too young to die" or both. Help!
posted by kenneth to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
I believe this is what you are looking for:


Remember the days when John Ashcroft was the greatest thing we had to fear. He's like Jerry Lewis compared to what's come after him.
posted by any major dude at 9:36 AM on June 14, 2006

posted by any major dude at 9:38 AM on June 14, 2006

Response by poster: hmmm...damn, it's still an edited version...
posted by kenneth at 2:16 PM on June 14, 2006

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