Urban Hiker, where have you hiked to now?
June 9, 2006 7:10 PM   Subscribe

What happened to "Urban Hiker" magazine in the triangle region of NC?

For those not from here, it was a free little newsprint-magazine I used to be able to pick up and read with my lunch once in a while; it was all about non-fiction stories told from the first person. It seemed to have plenty of advertising, enthusiastic support... I read it almost every month, then, a while ago, it disappeared.

I know there are some Triangle-ites (Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh North Carolina area residents) here; sorry to be so locally focused, but I don't know who else to ask. Did something happen to the editor(s)?
posted by amtho to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
Best answer: I know they went on hiatus about a year and a half ago. The plan was to regroup and start publishing again, but I don't know how likely that is to happen. It's too bad, although I don't miss it as much as the Spectator.
posted by EarBucket at 7:28 PM on June 9, 2006

Response by poster: Any information on why they went on hiatus? Was everyone just getting burned out?
posted by amtho at 7:56 PM on June 9, 2006

I believe it was a shortage of advertising money combined with a big workload and a small staff. The usual, in other words.
posted by EarBucket at 8:11 PM on June 9, 2006

Response by poster: I was afraid something worse had happened, so it's a relief to hear that it was "the usual". I do hope they can start up again. Thanks for the information, EarBucket.
posted by amtho at 8:48 PM on June 9, 2006

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