ISO event space in Williamsburg Brooklyn for CASUAL wedding rehearsal
January 12, 2025 8:53 PM   Subscribe

I'm posting this for a friend ... "[20-something couple] are getting married in Williamsburg Brooklyn. We need a super low-key venue for a rehearsal dinner -- we're thinking pizza party. They want to make it way informal but finding a venue that allows brought-in food is challenging. It would be in late May (2025) and be about 40-ish people."

I will relay suggestions back to them. Thanks!
posted by intermod to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (8 answers total)
I feel like a ton of bars in Williamsburg will let you bring your own food - anywhere that doesn't have a food menu likely would. I've definitely seen people do this at East River Bar and Full Circle (which also has games), to name a few.
posted by windbox at 9:06 PM on January 12

I don't think you can really fit 40 ppl into full circle (but agree basically any bar in williamsburg that doesn't serve food would allow pizzas).

Harefield road, duck duck or Lady Jay's maybe?

Berry Park or the Whiskey BK both have food but it's reasonable and plenty of space/activities for a party. I've been to events at both.

If they really want low key, see if they can reserve tables at Alligator. Free pizzas with every beer!
posted by love2potato at 11:14 AM on January 13

Response by poster: Yeah, 40 people into a bar sounded like a stretch, unless they specifically have a large room in the back.

Thank you for the suggestions so far! I will pass them on.

One place they found, via , was an artist studio collective in Williamsburg that rents out their big room and has great reviews. But it's a third-floor walkup -- they've got a freight elevator but it sounds like they discourage use of it. Weddings attract old folks, you know :) So, still looking for other options.
posted by intermod at 12:21 PM on January 13

Forgot Lady Jay's - love that place. And you're right, Full Circle's max for a party is 30. 40 people in a bar is not much of a stretch, there are some big bars. DuckDuck mentioned above is particularly spacious.

Also forgot - Ainslie offers a lot of options for large groups like what you're describing and are pretty used to setting up those events, though they would be the ones providing the pizza as it's an Italian restaurant. I don't know what your requirements are in terms of how "low key" everything must be or what the budget is but it's a pretty cheap and casual place for how nice the digs are and how spacious it is.
posted by windbox at 12:30 PM on January 13

I also recommend checking out Ainslie. My friends hosted welcome drinks and pizza at the roof bar the night before their wedding and it was really quite lovely.
posted by scottdavidsanders at 7:14 PM on January 13

Maybe Rosa 386 on Metropolitan near Havemeyer? It’s an event space that lets you bring your own food. It’s on the ground floor, and has a backyard.
posted by hooray at 8:42 PM on January 13

i know you said williamsburg, but The Magician in the Lower East Side of Manhattan has a back room
about this size that they reserve for free. You can bring food and it has a nice cozy vibe, 1 block from the F/M/J/Z at Delancey Street.
Also, LES is the williamsburg of manhattan.
posted by wowenthusiast at 5:28 AM on January 14

Response by poster: Thanks again for all of the suggestions! I have collated them into an email and sent on to my friend.
posted by intermod at 2:20 PM on January 20

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