Looking for YouTube cozy home recommendations
November 15, 2024 3:54 PM   Subscribe

I like watching a YouTube genre I would best describe as 'everyday life in another country.' Looking for more recommendations in this style.

I especially like people in apartments (Chelsea Callahan) and people with kids (Nastya in Siberia, Alex Hometown, Five Two Love). Cooking stuff is ok (Healthnut Nutrition) and shopping stuff as long as it's not the sole focus of the channel (The Wads).

I am NOT looking for hours and hours of cleaning a giant house, or a sole focus type thing (all cleaning, all DIY, all decorating. Mostly I just want to see people like me, where they shop, what they cook, how they spend time with their kids. Of the ones I mention above, Alex Hometown is my favourite but they don't post nearly enough :-)
posted by ficbot to Media & Arts (11 answers total) 27 users marked this as a favorite
Feel free to flag since this is taking a broad interpretation of your question, but would you like everyday life in another time content? I am obsessed with the Ruth Goodman farm series and as the weather cools down here I'm gearing up for a rewatch literally this weekend. I find them VERY COZY.
posted by phunniemee at 3:58 PM on November 15, 2024 [5 favorites]

My favorites skew home renovations, but these do more than just that:

Martijn Doolaard has weekly episodes where he renovates his extremely cozy (and small) house in the Italian Alps, goes for walks, gardens, etc. He has some amazing cinematography skills.

Ariel Bissett renovates her farmhouse in Nova Scotia and runs a booktruck. You will know quickly whether you like her style or not, but I do.

Christine McConnell does Gothic and Victorian craft, decor, home, and baking projects. She is extremely meticulous and the end results are often amazing.
posted by Eyelash at 5:32 PM on November 15, 2024

Best answer: Here's a few I like - it's a bunch of very different people but I genuinely enjoy all of these and you might find one you like:

Benita Larsson - a woman who lives in an apartment in Stockholm, and recently bought a summer cottage with her son and his girlfriend, which they are restoring. It sort of has a minimalist slant.

Sharla - a Canadian woman living in Japan, recently married to an Englishman who has a popular youtube channel Abroad In Japan. Sharla is more day to day life, Abroad in Japan is more about stunts.

Hige and Me - a lovely creative couple living in Tokyo. They recently had a baby so might not be posting as much in the coming months. There's no dialog, just Japanese captions and a gentle soundtrack. You will have to turn on English captions.

Martijn Doolaard - a Dutchman who bought some stone sheds in the Italian Alps and has been restoring them for the last two years. It really is his day to day life over the past week.
posted by maggiemaggie at 5:41 PM on November 15, 2024

I enjoy watching Rachel and Jun’s Adventures. Rachel is American and Jun is Japanese and they live in Japan and build things and have awesome cats and cook things and garden.
posted by PussKillian at 7:38 PM on November 15, 2024

TexanInTokyo is an inactive channel but they I recommend their Day in My Life playlist. They shop, cook, go to the post office, visit different shrines. It's an American woman and a Japanese man who are married and they have a really nice dynamic. They stopped posting years ago to have children, but remain one of my favorite channels.

Thanks for this question! I'm looking forward to checking out everyone's suggestions because this is a genre of video that I love.
posted by dearadeline at 8:09 PM on November 15, 2024

I watch these videos.

She writes, "I live on Svalbard, an island close to the North Pole! Swedish 🇸🇪
I live in a cabin outside of Longyearbyen with my boyfriend Christoffer and our Finnish lapphund Grim and make videos about my daily life in the Northernmost town in the world!"

Among other things, her videos include some shopping and some cooking. The setting is a cabin rather than and apartment, and no kids, though.
posted by SageTrail at 8:14 PM on November 15, 2024 [2 favorites]

Raising 22 kids in Yakutsk but they don't go out much, it's too cold. In fact when the bus doesn't come the kids nearly abort going to school.
posted by Jane the Brown at 9:16 PM on November 15, 2024

Santa Cruz del Islote - again, they don't go out much but this time it's because there is nowhere to go.
posted by Jane the Brown at 9:23 PM on November 15, 2024

Tudor Monastery Farm

Wartime Farm

Not contemporary but rather thorough and many interesting details.
posted by Jane the Brown at 9:31 PM on November 15, 2024

Not all perfect matches but here are some real favorites of mine:
Advoko Makes Russian woods/cabin life, DIY projects
Way Out West a Blow-in Blog Life on a farm in Ireland
An English Homestead (Kev Alviti) Life on a farm in England
Marty T Life in New Zealand
Sam Holmes Sailing Sailing many places in a small boat
Carl Rogers Renovating a house in France, other projects
Kris Harbour Building a homestead in Wales, hydroelectric projects
Flowering Elbow Country life in Wales
HFFCom Running a woodworking business in Vermont
Iohan Gueorguiev Biking all over the world. Sadly he has passed away.
Jimmy Diresta Making all sorts of things in NYC then upstate NY.
jp-struttin Making things in Japan.
Matthias Burger Renovating a 17th(?) century house in Germany, other projects
Nomad Architecture How people build houses all over the world
Primitive Technology Experiments building things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials.
Project Kamp Group buys land in Portugal, fixes it up.
save it for parts Guy in Minnesota builds things from junk, has a pond with a fish viewing dome
The Post Apocalyptic Inventor German guy doing many projects, restoring, repairing, etc.
The CrafsMan Crafts and love from southern USA
Tia Weston Fixing up a house in North Dakota
Wes Lee Music Repair Repairing musical instruments in Mississippi
Wesley Treat Making all sorts of creative things
Epic UpCycling Longer form, slower paced videos of making elaborate things in England
Get Hands Dirty Maker in Portugal
posted by kiblinger at 10:33 PM on November 15, 2024 [2 favorites]

An extraordinary artisinal craftswoman in China creates videos. She is as good at filmmaking as she is at cooking, gardening, weaving, sewing, etc. Her channel is LiziQi.
posted by conrad53 at 4:49 PM on November 16, 2024 [2 favorites]

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