Continuing e-reader woes - Calibre
October 27, 2024 6:47 AM   Subscribe

Is it possible to configure Calibre when using on a laptop to show two pages instead of one?

I do not have an eReader - I use my Mac laptop, running, unfortunately, Sequoia 15.0.1, which has broken Books.

I downloaded Calibre and it looks exactly like what I want, except that it shows one wee itty bitty page and I read fast and it is completely maddening. If I wanted to read on my phone, I'd use my phone.

And! All the directions I can find for configuring to show two pages seem to be geared toward options that don't exist for laptop use.

I've also tried Yomu, which does show two pages, but which has no other customization options and the spacing/size/font default isn't ideal. If I could get Calibre to show two pages at once, it would be perfect.
posted by Frowner to Technology (5 answers total)
In Calibre, choose a book. Click on the View icon. Choose the Preferences or click command-,
Choose Page Layout. Change the setting for "number of pages per screen" in landscape mode from the default of zero to the number two.

In paged mode, control the number of pages per screen. A setting of zero means the number of pages is set based on the screen size.
posted by blob at 7:06 AM on October 27, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I don't currently have a laptop I can try it on (possibly can later today, but not right this minute), but just to confirm... you're not able to follow these directions and get it to show the number of pages you choose?

1. Open the ebook in the ebook viewer (I did this by double-clicking in the list)
2. Right click on the ebook in the ebook viewer
3. Click on "Preferences"
4. Click on "Page Layout"
5. Make sure the toggle for "Paged mode" is marked
6. In "Portrait", put a "1".
7. In "Landscape", put a "2".
8. Make sure "Width" and "Height" show "0".
9. I don't have "Preserve cover aspect ratio" checked, but I don't think it's matters.
10. Click "OK".
11. Click on the "X" at the top left.
12. Make sure that window is expanded to full screen, or it may not look like it worked, even if it did.
posted by stormyteal at 7:08 AM on October 27, 2024 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Okay, right-clicking got me the options! I was trying to use the dropdowns and the preferences settings and not finding anything. Unfortunately, for some reason I don't get a "preferences" option when in the "view" mode without right-clicking.

But now it is perfect and "remember to try right clicking" is a great general using-the-computer tip.

Thank you both for responding so fast!
posted by Frowner at 7:23 AM on October 27, 2024 [2 favorites]

The preferences also open for me if I just do a regular left click near the top of the text block in the Viewer.

And if the window is “wee itty bitty” you can also drag the corners of the window (the cursor will change from the regular pointer to a double-headed arrow when you’re in the right spot) to make it bigger, just like you would in any Mac app; you don’t have to go full-screen if you don’t want to.
posted by bcwinters at 7:28 AM on October 27, 2024

Response by poster: In re the window size - it's exhausting to my eyes to have a very long line of text, so I usually set the size to be about that of a trade paperback book single page, and because I read fast that requires constant flipping. I know it cannot help but sound like a boast ("Oh I read so fast that I need special-wecial paging") but I always have ever since I was small. I'm a real slow-bicycle-race-winner physically, of course.
posted by Frowner at 7:50 AM on October 27, 2024

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