Help me find this book!
September 24, 2024 6:39 AM   Subscribe

I read this book several years ago and it was an e-book. Nonfiction. It was an account of a man and his wife traveling by freighter. Vaguely recalled details inside!

OK so this guy and his wife, an older couple, traveled across the Atlantic (I'm almost positive it was the Atlantic) on a freighter, as passengers. When he was boarding the ship he accidentally got some heavy-duty grease on his jacket. The crew did various experiments to clean it and they had a big party the night they succeeded. The couple didn't like the ship at first but by the time they docked (I think in Cleveland) they loved the journey and the crew and it was a great experience.

Definitely a memoir type book, not a novel.

It probably took place during the 80's or 90's and I read the book within the last 5 years. As I said, it was an e-book and I might have gotten it on Amazon Kindle (but have no record) or through one of the libraries I borrow e-books from.

Please hope me and thanks!!!
posted by Kangaroo to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Are you sure those folks weren't traveling on the Erie Canal?

I remember a book my Mom bought me for xmas years ago about stories of people traveling on barges along the canal, which has it's terminus in Cleveland. It was a book published by something like "Friends of the Canal" or something similar.
Something like that could have been digitized for an ebook.
Try searching canal journeys.
posted by james33 at 7:31 AM on September 24, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: You’re looking for Cargo by Jack Sender.
I was wearing my brand new sport coat I had purchased in Rome prior to our departure, and on the way up I brushed against a rope tied to the stair rail. The rope was covered with fresh black grease. Oh my God, I got it all over my new sport coat! A four inch wide stripe of quarter-inch, thick, black, muck hung on my left shoulder like a freshly dispersed, wet, cow pie.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 7:36 AM on September 24, 2024 [9 favorites]

Response by poster: Wow. I am impressed, Tell Me No Lies. Thank you so very much!!!
posted by Kangaroo at 11:07 AM on September 24, 2024

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