Bloglines to Palm T|X
May 13, 2006 7:22 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to be able to download unread articles from Bloglines to my Palm T|X via the Wifi - no PC sync involved.

I have a Palm T|X, and a lot of feeds which I subscribe to. I can use QuickNews to download RSS feeds and take them with me, and I can surf Bloglines online (PC or Palm). However, I'm finding that I'll download and read things on my Palm, and then have to go through them in Bloglines, or vice versa. Is there a way to grab Bloglines on my Palm so I can read it offline?

(And huge kudos if there's a way to mark articles read offline as read when I connect)
posted by djgh to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
I'm not sure I even understand the question but, if you use a browser like JPluck, the Java version of Plucker, you can have it log in to websites as you, that is, you log in with Firefox and set the "remember me" option, then JPluck uses the Firefox cookie file to visit Bloglines with your login.

If that works, then I guess the items you've "read" via JPluck will be marked as read for your login next time you log in from a conventional browser.
posted by AmbroseChapel at 9:53 PM on May 13, 2006

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