Anti Syrian pogroms in Turkey right now?
July 3, 2024 12:20 AM   Subscribe

What's going on in Turkey regarding anti Syrian pogroms and the invasion of Iraqi kurdistan in the last few days? I see some headlines in my Google search but the articles themselves are blocked (I'm in Turkey right now).
posted by Zumbador to Society & Culture (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Looks like a very recent and developing story - this was the most in depth article I could find. Hasn't made its way to European press yet, not even German newspapers which usually cover Turkish events at least a bit. Looks like the in country ban may be because the riots spread through social media.
posted by I claim sanctuary at 1:07 AM on July 3, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Almost nothing but soccer on alk channels in googlescfirst threr news pages, then;
Express Tribune, Pakistan
"Riots erupted in Turkey's central city of Kirikkale " over allegations of sex abuse of a child by a Syrian. 470 people arrested, presumably Turish rioters but article doesn't say.

Aljazeera is carrying same story with place name Kayseri.

Kirikkale and Kayseri are 240 km apart so I don't know what to make of that.

The New Arab only names Kayseri and says 67 arrested. Also says there's widespread violence in North Syria. "Protests erupted across rebel-held northwest Syria following reports of attacks on Syrian properties in Turkey's Kayseri province."

Even BBC & FT are carrying non newd about Turkey.

Heads up Zumbador needs info in this thread NOT links as there's a local news blackout.
posted by unearthed at 2:22 AM on July 3, 2024 [5 favorites]

Best answer: Per Le Monde: 7 killed and ~20 injured by the Turkish army in Afrin and Djarabulus. Anti-Turkish sentiment in northern Syria erupted after the burning of Syrian homes and cars in Kayseri. The Minister of the Interior announced that 474 people were arrested related to anti-Syrian attacks.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has an article reporting 3 deaths and >20 injured; may have been older reporting compared to Le Monde. Border crossings are closed:
The protests expanded to at least 15 areas, due to the racist violations against Syrian refugees in Turkey and the forced deportation by “racist” Turkish members, without actions by the Turkish authorities to protect Syrian people, where protests took place in HTS-held areas and areas of the “National Army” in Aleppo countryside.
posted by quadrilaterals at 6:16 AM on July 3, 2024

Best answer: The BBC published a 37-second video with a brief description titled Syrians attack Turkish troops after anti-migrant riots about nine hours ago.

The description reads:
Turkey is reported to have closed its main border crossings into northwest Syria after its troops were attacked by Syrians angered by violence against their countrymen in Turkey.

Turkish police had earlier announced the arrest of nearly 500 people following attacks on Syrian properties and vehicles in several Turkish cities.

The country is now home to more than three million Syrian refugees and tensions with local communities have been growing.

At least four people were killed in the Syrian border city of Afrin in an exchange of fire between Turkish troops and armed protesters. Angry Syrian civilians have also hurled stones at Turkish convoys and tore down Turkish flags.
The accompanying video begins with what looks people in casual clothes on a street shooting at a passing military vehicle with the caption ‘Gunmen fire at Turkish vehicle’. It then cuts to another street captioned as ‘Afrin, Syria’, where more people in casual clothes can be seen and gunfire can be heard.

The scene then changes to one labelled as ‘July 1’ where a crowd of what looks like mostly young casually-dressed men are shouting and banging on a metal fence with the caption ‘Protest at Turkish military base’. Another cut takes us to a street — still labelled as ‘July 1’ — where there are more mostly young men in casual clothes, one of whom is using a pole to smash the windscreen of a red lorry while others shout. One person is carrying what looks like a Syrian flag. Another cut — still ‘July 1’ — and we see a lorry (possibly the same one) on fire.

The ‘July 1’ date disappears and we see a casually-dressed man on a street named as Abdelrahman Mansour, who is described as a ‘Protestor’. He says (according to the English subtitles): “We protested in the town of al-Atarib to denounce what happened to our displaced brethren in Turkey. There were some yelling and pushing then the Turkish army fired tear gas at us and the demonstrators responded with stones.”

As he speaks, the video changes to a scene — again labelled as ‘July 1’ — of young men in casual clothes trying to use rocks to smash the windows of a building surrounded by sandbags on top of an earth bank. The date remains on screen as it cuts to a group of mostly young casually-dressed men throwing stones from the top of a steep bank of earth (which is the same red colour as in the earth bank in the previous shot) towards unseen targets, which is captioned as being ‘Ibbin Samaan, Syria’.
posted by kyten at 7:09 AM on July 3, 2024 [2 favorites]

Here's some information about the attacks in Kayseri from Bianet, an independent Turkish journalist organization.
posted by Theiform at 11:20 AM on July 3, 2024 [1 favorite]

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