What's your favorite video of cherry blossom petals falling?
April 14, 2024 3:37 PM   Subscribe

I'd love to see a calming video of cherry petals falling. I'd prefer no special effect (no slow motion), definitely no AI or generated imagery, ideally no people. Still camera is better than panning. Slow random meditative occasional petals are better than big gusts of petals. I will turn off the sound so audio is unimportant. Thanks!
posted by kristi to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: nhk Cherry Blossoms This clip is only a minute and a half long, but it has most of the parameters you asked for . There are a few seconds of the woman playing the piano sound track. You can use the gear dial to slow the play speed of the clip to get the effect you are looking for with the petals falling more slowly and extend the play time.
posted by effluvia at 9:14 PM on April 14, 2024 [3 favorites]

Best answer: It's only 20 seconds long but I was in Japan last week and recorded this video of some occasional cherry blossoms falling near a waterwheel, near a dam, in Kyushu. I uploaded it just for you!
posted by aubilenon at 9:23 PM on April 14, 2024 [5 favorites]

Best answer: Sakura This has even more of the elements you are looking for and is six minutes.
posted by effluvia at 8:41 AM on April 15, 2024 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: All three of these are wonderful - thank you all!

aubilenon, Extra Double Bonus Best Answer to you - thank you so much for uploading that just for me! The water wheel is so beautiful, and the petals are perfect.

Thank you all for the lovely videos!
posted by kristi at 8:30 AM on April 16, 2024 [1 favorite]

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