Film & TV fashion accounts on social media
October 11, 2023 7:06 PM   Subscribe

I LOVE accounts like WeltonWears which show images, details, and sources for outfits worn on television and by celebrities (in this case, Ted Lasso's Rebecca / Hannah Waddington). Can you suggest more accounts like this?

I especially love this specific account because it's so detailed and cleanly-organized, with great photos of the item as worn by the actress in naturalistic poses, as well as images of the item from the designer's website.

It doesn't have to all be based around one celebrity.
I like to see people whose body sizes are in the size 6-20 range, rather than size 0-2 models. Size 8-12 is my most pressing interest, but focus on other sizes is fine too.
I enjoy outfits that mix brands, vintage, etc
Love seeing more dynamic "street style" or "lifestyle" poses (showing how the clothing looks in motion) rather than static model poses.
Fantasy clothing is fine (there was a great Game of Thrones account which I enjoyed)... although I'm more interested in off-the-rack and designer off-the-runway.
Instagram is my platform of choice for this kind of content, but TikTok is ok too.
Bonus points for diversity of race, gender expression, and disability.

Can you suggest similar accounts to follow? Thanks!
posted by nouvelle-personne to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: This is maybe too historical for what you are interested in but one of my favourite Insta follows is RecycledMovieCostumes. They show the same historical costumes being used over and over in different TV shows and movies and it is fun to see how stuff gets restyled.
posted by jacquilynne at 7:17 PM on October 11, 2023 [3 favorites]

Best answer: Well Sex and the City is a bonanza on Insta: This is the official costumes account for the current series, And Just Like That. You might like that one because several of the actors are now not in the super-tiniest size range. And then there are a jillion other accounts that go back and document the costumes of the original series and link to the designers.
posted by BlahLaLa at 7:40 PM on October 11, 2023

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