Help me find a food-tracking app for my needs
April 17, 2023 3:23 PM   Subscribe

I'm hoping there's a food-tracking app which will meet my needs: Mediterranean diet tracking with dinner suggestions for a low-level possible diabetic with some disordered eating.

My A1C hovers between pre-diabetic and diabetic. I keep losing and then slowly gaining back the same 10 lbs. The only thing that has worked for me post-menopause is calorie tracking. What complicates this for me is some disordered eating. My therapist, who specializes in eating disorders in addition to what I see her for, says my issue does not rise to the level of a diagnosable eating disorder but that I have to be careful. She isn't thrilled about calorie tracking but is OK with me trying it again. Tracking my food sometimes triggers this, so I want an app that will relieve me of some of the burden of obsessing about what to eat. I am working on this with my therapist and don't want advice on this aspect of things.

Per my PCP, I should be following something like the Mediterranean or Harvard "Healthy Eating Plate" or the nutritarian diet or something similar. Basically, a quarter of my food whole grains, a quarter lean proteins, half vegetables and fruit (more veg than fruit).

What I would like is an app that will tell me what I need more of for dinner, not by "macros" (it's not helpful to me to treat all carbs the same) but by the categories of whole grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits, and maybe "other" for stuff that doesn't fit (e.g. fat, sugar) if it must categorize everything. So if I had a protein bar for breakfast and a healthy sandwich for lunch, it might be like "dinner should be 70% vegetables to meet your daily goals" or something along those lines. Ideally it would even suggest a few possible meals!

Is there an app that will do this?
posted by joannemerriam to Technology (1 answer total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: My old-ish Ask might be useful for you. (I ended up embracing the macros life with Cronometer.)
posted by The corpse in the library at 8:27 PM on April 17, 2023

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