Orange County and Contra Costa online records
April 16, 2006 9:54 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find California court records by case number or name search? I'm especially interested in Orange County and Contra Costa counties. I've searched online but can't seem to find a state based online site to look all this up.
posted by skEwb to Law & Government (6 answers total)
Contra Costa County search by case number for Civil cases.

Haven't been able to find OC yet.
posted by salsamander at 10:06 PM on April 16, 2006

And here's Orange County's civil case calendar, searchable by case number or party or department.
posted by salsamander at 10:09 PM on April 16, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks for the post, the contra costa one goes further back where as the OC one is scheduled upcoming ones, doesn't do a history search, I'll keep looking thanks again for the replies though.
posted by skEwb at 10:18 PM on April 16, 2006

Response by poster: Contra Costa doesn't seem to be working for me if I put in case # or name :(
posted by skEwb at 10:20 PM on April 16, 2006

pretrieve allows you to search each county and most California counties are available at no cost through that site
posted by buggzzee23 at 12:53 AM on April 17, 2006
posted by jne1813 at 7:31 AM on April 17, 2006

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