Recipe for Carob Bites
April 21, 2022 9:47 AM   Subscribe

The carob spirulina bites at Earthfare are amazing. I want to make them at home. Do you have a recipe?

If you haven't had them: They're basically hard cubes of chocolate (carob) with crispy rice and nuts inside.

Here's the lid with an ingredients list: image

Do you have a recipe so I can recreate them? What I want most is a recipe that comes close with respect to texture so I can carry them on a run/bike/hike without a crumbly/gooey/melty mess. They're about the stiffness/hardness of a rice crispy treat. My granola bars always end up crumbly or gooey; these are the happy middle in between.

Any similar recipes are appreciated. Thank you.
posted by mr_bovis to Food & Drink (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: I eventually found two recipes:

One Healthy Nut and Glutton for Life

I prefer the One Healthy Nut recipe because it seemed to hold together a little better. For both recipes, I reduced the amount of nuts by a third or more, which seemed to help with crumblyness.

Make sure to grind the nuts / mixins to a fine texture.

I also tried substituting half of the carob with an equivalent amount of baking chocolate (like a Baker's bar), and that worked well for both texture, firmness, and taste.
posted by mr_bovis at 8:13 AM on May 4, 2022

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