Can somebody explain this soon-to-expire Reallusion iClone 8 sale to me?
December 31, 2021 3:57 AM   Subscribe

I want to get started with iClone animation, and iClone 8 releases in a few months. It will apparently sell for $599. Character Creator 4 (a helpful add-on) will cost $299. Looking at this hype page, there's a sale going on where they say you can get iClone 8 and Character Creator 4 for "free," if you purchase $399 of products now. (The specific sales claim is about halfway down the page.) Should I go ahead and buy $399 of whatever now, with the idea that I will then get the free upgrade in a few months?

To me it sounds like I should jump on this, but I'm a total noob with Reallusion and I don't know if there's something about this deal I'm not understanding. It seems a bit too good to be true that I could get fill my cart with $399 of whatever, then get that AND iClone 8 and CC4 for free later. The sale expires in mere hours, I don't have oodles of cash to throw around and I'm pretty frazzled from no-fun life stuff, so I could really use some advice from people with more knowledge and clearer heads! (Bonus question: Any particular programs you'd suggest I pick up just to fill my cart? I'm not interested in mocap, but are there any other iClone-related programs I'd be really glad to have?)
posted by Ursula Hitler to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Just looking at that page a little further: the deal is that you get both if you purchase for a total of $799. If you spend less you only get one of each.

Get what you purchase ($799+)
A free copy of iC8 and CC4 ($898)
posted by oenzemain at 4:21 AM on December 31, 2021 [1 favorite]

What I see is:
Spend $399 now, get CC4 (ONLY, not both) free ($299 value), total value $698
Spend $699 now, get IC8 (ONLY, not both) free ($599 value), total value $1,298
Spend $799 now, get BOTH CC4 and IC8 free ($898 value), total value $1,697

It's not unbelievable, think of it as a pre-sale discount for people who would have bought CC4 and IC8 anyway (for a total of $898), now they get $100 off and will (eventually, on release) get both of those products for having spent $799.

If you only want one or the other and don't care about the not-CC4/not-IC8 software you're buying now to meet the terms of the deal, it'd be cheaper for you to wait and just buy one or the other at launch (assuming the pricing doesn't change.) But if you already planned to acquire both, spending $799 now will get you both on release, instead of paying $898 for them both later, and you'll also get some other software to use.
posted by xedrik at 7:51 AM on December 31, 2021 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks, folks. I was about to pull the trigger, but it looks like I wasn't going to get the big deals I thought. I've subsequently read forum posts where people complain about having to buy all sorts of add-ons to get iClone to do some pretty basic stuff. This software sounds... problematic. Now that I have a little more time I can try to figure out what bundle would actually do what I want, or if I should go for some other software completely.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 2:41 PM on December 31, 2021

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