Gift ideas for adult student?
November 16, 2021 12:46 PM   Subscribe

I am in a fairly new (~3 month) relationship with a wonderful dude who has decided to go back to school. He is in his mid-40s, is coming out of the service industry, and will be a full-time student. His birthday is coming up, and I'd like at least part of his gift to be something useful for this new chapter in his life. What are some things that could make this transition easier, or be super useful as an adult student? Open to price points and I'll supplement with a small gift that is more personal and/or fun.
posted by tryniti to Shopping (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Nice things for getting to sleep and/or the transition to getting up earlier, if his service-industry position had him working late nights? A silk sleep mask, a beautiful mug/water boiler/coffee press, a sunrise alarm clock

Tools for continuing to take breaks to refresh body and mind? A subscription to a workout or meditation app like Headspace, Calm, Glo (yoga, pilates, HIIT, meditation), GMB Fitness, a nice yoga or fitness mat, foam roller, over-door pullup bar, private training session(s), gym/studio membership

Sweet study-from-home setup? Nice keyboard/mouse/wrist rest, noise-cancelling headphones, big monitor, ergonomic or dynamic chair, standing desk

Treats that echo whatever he is studying? Museum membership, professional association membership, specialized software or peripherals
posted by rrrrrrrrrt at 1:51 PM on November 16, 2021 [4 favorites]

Online classes or face to face? Graduate or undergraduate?
posted by joycehealy at 1:54 PM on November 16, 2021

I went back to school at 48 and finished my B.S. at 52, while working full-time and going to school part-time. So I have some insight into this, but maybe not the insight you're looking for.

I know you're asking for something tangible, but what I would have wanted, pretty much more than anything, was a better understanding on the part of my (late) spouse that going back to school and working full-time took up pretty much ALL OF MY TIME.

I often felt like she resented the time I was spending trying to finish my degree and improve my career chances, because I went from spending all my free time after work and on the weekends with her to spending all my free time after work and on the weekends on lessons and assignments. I did everything I could to make time for her and be with her, but I needed to also focus on school and getting through that.

In my mind the time I was going to be in school was a temporary thing that would give us both more opportunities in the future, in her mind I was ignoring her and was going to for a few years.

So, the best thing you can give him, in my opinion, is the understanding that maybe he needs to spend all weekend holed up at the kitchen table reading and working on a paper, or that while he might want to go to the movies, he's got to prioritize that group assignment since no one else seems to be working on it. I think that kind of understanding will be the best thing you can give him as he goes through what is going to be a rough time for the next few years.
posted by ralan at 2:31 PM on November 16, 2021 [14 favorites]

I learned of from Mefi and it has really the best noises for all your concentration and relaxing needs. It’s helped me loads with studying, sleeping, reading... Paying for access to the full suite on the App (myNoise) would be a nice present (it’s around $10)
posted by Balthamos at 2:55 PM on November 16, 2021 [2 favorites]

An external monitor if he has the home setup for it or a portable external monitor if he doesn't.
posted by oceano at 4:47 PM on November 16, 2021 [2 favorites]

Massage gift certificates for him, glass food storage bowls to save time preparing food during the week/days, and planned vacations for yourself every semester for the week before exams.

Maybe a really great back-supporting chair for working at home.
posted by amtho at 8:01 PM on November 16, 2021

What Océano said, plus, the thing that makes the most difference to writing assignments and doing research, and almost anything else, is a two monitor setup. It changes lives.
posted by slimeline at 12:46 AM on November 17, 2021 [3 favorites]

Airpods Pros for walking/commutes. (if they have an iphone but not airpods)

Cubitos - the latest, greatest board game out lately.

An Ipad with apple pencil - for note taking. (If they like apple)

A few cheap bottles of wines, with labels removed, and special ocassions added. "First A". "Halfway". "graduation". "First F". etc.
posted by bbqturtle at 9:32 AM on November 17, 2021

A really nice bookbag or shoulder bag. Make sure it can carry a laptop (check the sizes), some books, and a water bottle! Of course, this is mostly for an in-person kind of situation. For home I might want a new bookshelf or place to organize my books, materials, printouts, and whatnot.

Seconding a second monitor or large monitor idea... even just having one to plug my laptop into was helpful.

Back-to-school clothes. New 'fits, as the kids call them, always make me feel a bit peppier, even being on the teacher side rather than the student side. Even on Zoom one might want to look nice.

Cheaper idea than an iPad and iPencil (though those are REALLY NICE) is a Rocketbook. The nicest one is a digital notebook that you take notes on with a stylus and then upload to a storage account. They're pretty neat!
posted by Snowishberlin at 12:04 PM on November 17, 2021

Also school swag if he attends a school where school swag is a big thing.
posted by oceano at 5:17 PM on November 17, 2021

Hard drive for backing up his computer. Or maybe better still, a Dropbox subscription.
posted by backwards guitar at 5:43 PM on November 17, 2021

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