Rocket sounds ... OMG! ... Wheeee!
January 22, 2021 7:53 AM   Subscribe

Please help me find this bird video.

I saw a short video a few days ago on Imgur. It was of a parrot - either a small African grey or possibly a cockatiel - who was perched on his owner's hand, ready to take off and fly down a hallway. As he was being lifted up and down, he started making rocket noises, then he flew down the short corridor for about 20ft, and at the end was a turn to the right. As the bird reached the turn he said "Oh My God!", flew round the corner and you could hear him saying "Wheeeee!". There were captions when the parrot 'spoke'.

It is an extremely cute video and the bird saying "OMG!" made me laugh every time I watched it. Stupidly, I didn't favourite the video and now I can't find it. I've tried every combination possible on Imgur's search function, and I've scrolled and scrolled through Imgur and can't find it. I promised someone I'd send it to them and, yes, I need to watch it again and again too.

Please help me find this video.
posted by essexjan to Grab Bag (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: A friend somewhere else just found it for me, so I'll share it with you all. Make sure you have sound on. :-D
posted by essexjan at 8:48 AM on January 22, 2021 [7 favorites]

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