covid 19 spraying
March 27, 2020 8:44 AM   Subscribe

When I was 15, 16 I worked part-time in a vet clinic. Every so often we would spray the kennel area with some type of fogger that was supposed to knock out kennel cough. I don't remember what it was other than it smelled lemony. When I see pictures of various cities spraying for Covid, it never mentions what chemical they are using. Would anyone have a good guess or know what type of chemical they are using? I am not planning on spraying anything. I am just curious.
posted by jtexman1 to Science & Nature (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
No one is spraying the streets for Covid-19. Here's a list of practical disinfectants.

Household Guidance

Industrial Guidance
posted by j_curiouser at 8:58 AM on March 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

China was using triethylene glycol. It's unclear how well it works for this particular virus, though.

On closer read, China may have been using TEG. Sorry.

The EPA doesn't think TEG is useful in preventing infections, though it does reduce the numbers of airborne bacteria. Products are allowed to make the latter claim but not the former.

The second link says hydrogen peroxide, eugenol, and benzylammonium chlorides have also been used against airborne viruses and were found to be more effective than TEG.
posted by Spathe Cadet at 9:14 AM on March 27, 2020

This reddit thread indicates it could be a mix of hydrogen peroxide and surfactants. I have seen other reports of China spraying bleach on the streets. I haven't really seen reports outside of China, though.
posted by MasterShake at 9:15 AM on March 27, 2020

I found this article from The Atlantic about places spraying streets and even people:
Disinfectant spray against coronavirus

Some intense images in that link! I’m afraid I can’t find mention of what’s in the spray. I’m interested in knowing that too!
posted by areaperson at 9:18 AM on March 27, 2020

Vets often use F10, quaternary ammonium, to disinfect especially against viruses like Parvo. It smells a bit like lemony pine. It looks like quaternary ammonia can be used against covid 19. But as far as I know only on surfaces.
posted by Zumbador at 10:12 AM on March 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

No one is spraying the streets for Covid-19.

That's not correct- Loads of people are spraying in the streets for Covid-19 all over the world, . They are even using drones in China. Reportedly most are using some kind of a bleach solution.
posted by fshgrl at 11:23 AM on March 27, 2020 [8 favorites]

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