Dancing through this
March 18, 2020 7:13 PM   Subscribe

I live in a studio in NYC and am having a hard time staying motivated to be active. I want to learn some dances and need some good sources

So I’m trying to keep up my daily steps with a walk around my neighborhood, but even after 5 days of social distancing I’m feeling the impact. I am not the best at working out, but I do like to dance and especially learn a routine (think hip hop type dance, not ballet or ballroom).

Is there anything you can point to online? Happy to pay a subscription while we get through this. Just looking for something people like before blindly signing up for everything. Ideally would be dancing/learning an hour a day.
posted by elvissa to Health & Fitness (4 answers total) 25 users marked this as a favorite
A friend of mine loves dance church and they are steaming online.
posted by rdnnyc at 7:30 PM on March 18, 2020 [1 favorite]

I shouldn’t read Page Six but if I didn’t I wouldn’t know that Debbie Allen is hosting dance classes on her Insta. And that’s awesome.
posted by rdnnyc at 8:49 PM on March 18, 2020 [2 favorites]

If you don’t mind the video game format, I’ve been finding Just dance really good for this.
posted by tinymegalo at 10:42 PM on March 18, 2020

Rosas Danst Rosas, "join the queen of Belgian avant-garde performance Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker as she talks you through how to perform her 1983 classic Rosas Danst Rosas. All you need is a chair, a bit of legroom and enough space to swing your hair."
From this page of mostly performance.
posted by glasseyes at 6:50 AM on March 19, 2020

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