Old-style/ BBC Board roleplaying platforms
March 17, 2020 2:04 PM   Subscribe

Looking for places online where old-fashioned roleplaying is still going on. Does that even exist anymore? I used to around the early 2000s, and I think i'd like to spend some time thinking about someone else's life. Persnicketies under the fold.

I'm looking for an emotional and fantasy outlet amidst all this chaos. Here's the list of requirements:
Old school/bbc style. Full paragraphs, sentences, internal dialogue, character growth and development. Not looking to just fake a conversation with someone. I want to basically write a collaborative novel
Not fandom related
A pretty active community
Some sort of strong moderation/higher level of interaction. I want everyone to not be racist assholes who start drama.
Not for sex. I'm okay with joining a space that allows sex, but I'm not doing this specifically for that purpose, and would most likely avoid it.

The more specific your recommendations the better. I have discord and reddit accounts, but don't feel like crawling through search results.
posted by FirstMateKate to Human Relations (1 answer total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Have you ever looked into "play-by-post" or "play-by-forum"? Apologies if this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I thought I might suggest it as a 2020s equivalent! Essentially people play D&D or other indie RPGs by posting on forums, and from what I've seen it can be very similar to what you remember — full paragraphs, sentences, character growth and development, async.

Shut Up & Sit Down seems to have a dedicated Play-by-Forum space. I can vouch that the moderation in their community is very strong — they're intensely committed to diversity/open-mindedness and have a zero tolerance policy for harassment.

There's also RPG Crossing, which I've never used but which seems to be popular.
posted by fire, water, earth, air at 3:09 PM on March 17, 2020

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