I have a partially torn hamstring. Now what?
March 2, 2020 12:56 PM   Subscribe

It's on the semimembraneous hamstring, it's chronic (the pain has been going on twelve years). I am excited for the many treatment choices to come.

Literally, excited. Before I thought I had mild tendinosis of the hamstring and a small labraltear/CAM impingement, and that was the only thing wrong. So I was kinda stuck treatments wise.

Now it turns out I have a partially torn hamstring! So it's not a brand new problem but it's new to me, and there must be things I can do.

It's up by the ischeal tuberosity and it's part tendon and part muscle, I believe.

I want surgery!!!! I REALLY want arthroscopic surgery. But, I can settle down and try a full nother round of PT. My last round made it worse, as the MRI notes. (I am confused why my 2019 MRI in the last round did not include a note, "hamstring torn!"), but oh well.

There is a chance that I could have something wrong with my uterus too, but let's keep it simple because, I swear, the hamstring tear symptoms match me perfectly. Inability to sit has been the bane of my life. The bane.

So. Did it happen to you? Did you get better? Are you working on a pioneering technology for this? Just knowledgeable about hamstrings for some reason? I encourage and ask anyone with info about this to speak up.

Please PM me if you know anything about the chronic version of this, please - or surgical treatments, especially. I am in New York City and have Healthfirst medicaid, just in case anyone knows a great PT!

Thanks :)
posted by societypages to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't know anything about hamstrings but I have a small tear in my quadriceps tendon, and I just had a dextrose injection that's showing promising early results. I tried PT but even the eval made it much worse. I have a friend who had the same injection for a groin injury. My doc also talked about autologous platelet-rich plasma.
posted by radioamy at 3:02 PM on March 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

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