Bluetooth Adapter Without The Bloop Bloop Bloop
November 28, 2019 2:35 PM   Subscribe

I have an Amazon Basics Bluetooth audio adapter (similar to this) attached to a small amplifier which I use to stream/ play music from my phone. It works exactly as designed, but makes a loud bloop bloop bloop every time the phone connects/ disconnects. Is there a (reasonably priced) adapter which doesn't do this, or for which the bloop bloop bloop can be turned off or down (the linked adapter also bloops, yes)?
posted by my log does not judge to Technology (1 answer total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Cant helt but following and commiserating. Mine makes a hugely loud revving motor sound on start and finish. Not great when I’ve fallen asleep.
posted by Iteki at 2:34 AM on November 30, 2019

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