What is this car door seal called?
August 6, 2019 1:58 PM   Subscribe

I've got a 2008 Sonata and I want to replace the door seal on it. I'd like to buy a replacement online. Searching for car parts usually works for me, but not this time. What's this thing called?

The door seal is a gray, (somewhat) hard plastic strip that runs around 3 sides of the door and is specifically molded for the door. It has an attached black soft rubber seal that protrudes from it. The rubber seal is tattered, not doing much good any more, and needs replaced.

I've tried pulling the rubber seal away from the plastic strip. This doesn't work. I think I'll have to replace the full door seal assembly. (I don't think I could just get generic rubber weather strip and replace the tattered rubber, for example.)

This is probably fine. The plastic strip pulls away from the door fairly easily. It's clearly designed to be replaceable. But I can't find the thing online. I've tried searching for "door seal" and "door gasket" and not found anything but the generic rubber weather strip mentioned above.

A picture of what I'm talking about is here: https://imgur.com/83PfpLY. In this picture I've pulled the plastic and rubber away from the edge of the door.

I'm guessing this seal/gasket/protector/whatever has a specific name that I need to search for, but I don't know what it is. Does anyone?
posted by mattu to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
Any of these work? https://www.grainger.com/category/raw-materials/rubber/rubber-edge-trim-seals
posted by Brockles at 2:02 PM on August 6, 2019

Door Opening Weather Strip is what you're after, I think.
posted by jquinby at 2:06 PM on August 6, 2019 [1 favorite]

Seems like the weather strip assembly and the weather strip itself come as two different parts. I found the part numbers on this page. You might be able to find non-OEM for cheaper once you have the part number.
posted by homesickness at 2:32 PM on August 6, 2019

...and I'm also seeing results for Car Door Seal and Weather Stripping. Hyundai's website calls it "Body W'strip" and it's pricey.
posted by jquinby at 2:33 PM on August 6, 2019

Response by poster: Yeah, those look like the thing. Yeah, those prices are pretty high. Probably more than it's worth to me. I'll call around to the salvage yards.

Thanks all.
posted by mattu at 6:09 PM on August 6, 2019

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