Best Bujo Blogs?
August 3, 2019 10:52 PM   Subscribe

Okay I'm totally into planners and bullet journals now, and I'd love to find a blog that just shows off a variety of other people's spreads and neat stickers/tools. I don't want just one person's blog of their spreads, but something that aggregates a bunch of the best spreads from all over bujo/planner-world. It's very easy to find one-person blogs, but very hard to find a showcase of the coolest stuff from across the bujo/planner space!

I'd prefer pictures and text to videos, as I'm not that desperate to watch 36-minute videos of someone putting together their month.
posted by Eyebrows McGee to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (9 answers total) 33 users marked this as a favorite
Bullet Journal's Instagram account has a decent round-up, as does Show Me Your Planner
Sometimes the company sites have decent blogs; see Archer & Olive's post on Dutch Doors
Bullet Journal Joy
posted by Iris Gambol at 11:35 PM on August 3, 2019 [1 favorite]

Pinterest has an awesome collection of images.
posted by b33j at 1:04 AM on August 4, 2019 [1 favorite]

Facebook has a number of bullet journal groups where people post their own spreads. Unfortunately I can't recommend one by name, as I quickly figured out that bujo was not for me and removed myself from the groups. But there are decent ones out there with a lot of talented people posting in them.
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 2:20 AM on August 4, 2019

I really like the Minimalist Bullet Journal group on Facebook. I don’t know if I quite agree with some people’s idea of “minimalist,” but I’ve gotten a bunch of good ideas from the people there.
posted by holborne at 6:08 AM on August 4, 2019 [2 favorites]

Best answer: If you don’t hate reddit: r/bulletjournal or r/bujo have this.
posted by Valancy Rachel at 6:52 AM on August 4, 2019 [4 favorites]

Best answer: /r/bulletjournal is for the artistic bullet journals, /r/bujo for the more functional/unadorned ones.

The related blogs Travellers Notebook Times and Philofaxy aggregate posts and videos from planning blogs/YT channels that use Midori-style traveler's notebooks and 6-ring binder planners respectively, check their links.
posted by sukeban at 10:53 AM on August 4, 2019 [2 favorites]

I have loved Jessica Chung’s blog, Pretty Prints and Paper, for this sort of inspiration in the past. Updates have been slim for the past couple of years, but the archives include guest posts as well as Jessica’s own layout experiments. Although her layouts are certainly aesthetically pleasing, I think she offers one of the best examples of using a bujo for functional planning.
posted by Jade Horning at 8:49 AM on August 5, 2019 [1 favorite]

One more recommendation just popped to mind: The Well-Appointed Desk. This is more of a stationery-focused blog, not strictly bujo. It’s mostly pen, ink, and notebook tests/reviews, but the writers do a weekly roundup/link love post that might scratch your bujo-inspiration itch too. Here’s the most recent roundup.
posted by Jade Horning at 9:06 AM on August 5, 2019 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks guys! Lots of good links to scratch my bujo itch. :D
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 10:07 PM on September 21, 2019

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