Is there such a thing as a Windows registry redirector?
February 28, 2006 8:35 AM   Subscribe

Is there such a thing as a Windows registry redirector?

Is there some piece of magic software that will redirect all registry edits starting at the beginning of a user-defined session. When the session is over, the registry is reverted back to where it was before.

This would be similar to Safari's "Private Browsing" feature.
posted by clearlynuts to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.
posted by paulsc at 9:20 AM on February 28, 2006

Well, deep freeze does that (sorta) as part of how it operates.

There's also some hardware cards (the name of which I can't think of from the top of my head) that will redirect hard drive writes, but that's probably overkill.
posted by shepd at 9:20 AM on February 28, 2006

Regmon isn't quite what you're asking for but it's in the same section of the store.
posted by soundslikeobiwan at 11:18 AM on February 28, 2006

Sure, just make a dump/backup of the user hive (e.g. reg save HKCU c:\path\to\filename) and restore it when the user logs out. If you use remote profiles this is an option that you can have performed automatically so that the user can't make any permanent changes.
posted by Rhomboid at 4:56 PM on February 28, 2006

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