Cool ways to keep track of movies
February 22, 2019 5:56 AM   Subscribe

I host a monthly "Bad Movie Movie Night" for me and a bunch of friends, and I'm looking for a creative/funny/interesting way to keep track of the movies we watch and our group's over-all assessment of how bad the movie was.

I'm looking for:
- funny rating scales/rubricks
- a way of displaying our past movies and their "ratings" that I can relatively easily tuck away until the next movie

and yes, we watched the Room.
posted by PuppetMcSockerson to Grab Bag (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Letteboxd lets you sort your movies into categories. You can keep a list of the ones you've watched, and you can also keep lists by your own labels, like "movies where the US government spends a ridiculous amount of money to save Matt Damon" or whatever. These are shareable.
posted by phunniemee at 6:23 AM on February 22, 2019 [4 favorites]

1-5 Picard facepalms
1-5 Chrissy Teigen cringes
Or a scale from Chrissy to Picard to Tyra Banks' "we were all rooting for you!"
It would take X many drinks to think this was a good movie
A groan-o-meter that has a needle going from zero to constant
posted by Emmy Rae at 7:40 AM on February 22, 2019 [2 favorites]

Adding on about Letterboxd - if each member of the group sets up each other as friends, you can check back on a movie and it will list the rating it received from all of your friends too. You can't really change the rating scale but if you're looking for humour there are a good number of popular reviewers on Letterboxd who often post hilarious reviews if that's your thing.
posted by Kinski's Ghost at 7:42 AM on February 22, 2019

Flickchart! It's a long-running movie-ranking site (run by longtime MeFite Zampa) that works on pairwise comparison -- it shows you two posters, and you click the one you like best over and over until you have a list of all the movies you've seen from best to worst. I use it every time I see a new movie, partially since it keeps track of when you added a title, but mainly because its fantastic filtered charts (which cross-reference year/genre/studio/actor/director/etc. by your own rankings) make it super easy to answer questions like "what are the best action movies of the 1980s?" or "what's the best horror movie of the last decade that I haven't seen?" or "what are my all-time favorite superhero movies?" I've found that using the site has led me to rediscover my love of enjoyable and rewatchable movies that don't necessarily stick in your head as "my favorites" -- the kind you stop to watch whenever they come on TV even if you couldn't name them off the top of your head -- and I imagine it would work just as well for finding the worst of the worst.

You can also add other users as friends and gain access to useful charts like "movies you and [friend 1] love" or "the best movies you and [friend 2] and [friend 3] haven't seen." These are in principle designed to find good movies to watch together, but it works just as well for identifying your least favorite films and the worst movies from an arbitrary year/genre/director/whatever that you haven't seen yet. If you all sign up and friend eachother, it's a great way to keep track of the movies you watch as you add them and find hidden turds in a variety of genres that you might not have thought of.

(Now if only they'd expand to TV/music/games like they've been promising to do for the last *checks notes*... eight years.)
posted by Rhaomi at 5:34 PM on February 22, 2019 [1 favorite]

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